#will there ever be happiness for me anymore..
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luveline · 2 days ago
hi 🙈 would u do a request of steve with a reader that’s an emotional drunk? love ur work 💖
thanks for requesting lovely! fem, 1k
“I think that you think you have a way higher threshold for getting drunk than you actually have.” 
You nod emphatically. “Yeah!”
Steve grins. You’re sitting on the high stool next to his slowly attempting to spin yourself around. He’s holding the chair steady with his leg under the bar. A milkshake and a burger sit in front of you largely untouched. 
Steve takes a sip of his own milkshake and feels the frozen vanilla hit the roof of his mouth as you fill the silence. “‘Cos I always drink a bunch right at the start of the night thinking it won’t get me, and it does!”
Steve doesn’t drink at all anymore. He doesn’t like the idea of being inebriated, whether of his own will or not, but he doesn’t mind being your guardian for the night, any night you want. Robin got you plastered because you’re drinking for two, a joke she insists on and nobody finds all that funny sober. If she said it to you now you’d crumple off of your seat to the floor and cry tears of joy. Everything is heightened. Your excitement, your boredom, your hunger. You’d pleaded with Steve to buy you a burger, and have quickly forgotten it’s there. 
He takes your knife and cuts the burger in half, then again into quarters. “Here,” he says quietly, more subdued than he means to be in the face of your freneticism. “Before it gets cold, baby.” 
He likes all of the pet names now he’s with you. You’re a sweetheart, an angel, his bub, babe, baby, it doesn’t matter how corny the word is, if he thinks about you in the right way he can say it with full sincerity. Babygirl was a bad phase, but baby sticks. 
“Thank you,” you say, reaching under his arm to link you together as you pick up one of your quarters, lettuce and tomato and sauce spilling out the sides. 
“You’re welcome. You know that.” 
You smile around a huge bite and wipe your appled cheeks clean with the side of your hand, giving him these looks you’ve perfected, not shy but almost, I’m so lucky unsaid but felt. Steve can’t really understand why you’d feel that way about him, he’s a loser, he’s not pretty, he doesn’t work out anymore, but none of that stuff matters because why should it? He doesn’t care that you’re a lightweight, that you snore like a freight train, that you pull your lip in between your teeth whenever you’re thinking too deeply and accidentally look like the victim of a botched face lift. It’s all inconsequential. The stuff that matters is your arm like a weight through his and how happy you were when he paid for your burger and fries. 
He squeezes you under the chin as you chew to hold you still for a kiss. “Love you. You look beautiful.” 
“I do?” you ask through burger. You try to cover your mouth best you can, but Steve doesn’t care. 
“You do. Tonight was fun, yeah? I had a great time with you, like always.” 
Your eyebrows pinch up. Your eyes begin to swim. Steve blinks in shock as you swallow and grab onto his wrist, your lips shiny with what might be ketchup as you begin to pout. “Steve…”
That’s his fault. My bad. He knows what kind of drunk you are but he knows how much it means to you regardless to hear that you’re appreciated. He shouldn’t have said it yet, maybe a little later when you’d calmed down and your fries had soaked up the beer in your stomach, but it’s too late. He lets his gaze soften. “I mean it,” he says, rubbing your chin with his thumb swiftly, before wrapping his arm around you, lest you feel wobbly again. “Spending time with you is my favourite thing to do.” 
“What’s your problem?” you ask, eyes filling with tears, the biggest one he’s ever seen flushed over you waterline as you screw up your face. “That’s so nice. I love you, too.”
“I know,” he says, and if he dips into a babying tone, well, that’s his business. 
“You had a good time?” you ask through a shuddery sob. 
“I had the best time.” 
You turn your face into his arm. Steve ignores the waitress staring at you both to smile into your temple. “You’re not supposed to cry, it’s a good thing!” he says lightly. “I just wanted you to know I had a good time tonight.” 
“I had a good time too!” you splutter. 
“I know,” he says, “I know you did, why don’t you try and eat some more of your food? You’ll feel less… like this.” 
“No, don’t be,” he says, firmer now, “it’s okay, I don’t mind, I just don’t want you to be upset–”
“I’m not upset! I love you!” 
He can hear the girls in the booth by the door giggling. Steve laughs into your head, ushering your face into his neck to give you some time and a space to calm down. “I love you too. Even if you’re, like, ninety percent bud light right now.” 
It takes you ages to calm down and he can’t blame you. You’re super, super drunk, and despite your best attempts at dinner you’ve basically got an empty stomach. He’s trying to save you from puking with the burger, so after a couple of minutes of you saying that you love him and that tonight was really fun, he pulls you out of his neck to meet your eyes. “Can you eat some more for me?” he asks, smiling, knowing it’s ridiculous. 
You love it, digging in with your cheeks still wet. Steve wipes at them with the back of his index finger. 
“Thank you for taking care of me,” you say around a crinkly bite of romaine lettuce. 
“I’m not, but I don’t mind.” 
You sniffle. “You have to eat too,” you say. 
He offers his hand for holding. You take it, letting them swing between your two chairs, returning for now to your meals. Steve’s opened the floodgates and he’s expecting another bout of crying before bed. Hopefully not while he’s holding your hair back over the toilet bowl. 
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bowserpunk-vevo · 2 days ago
i want to die but at least my partner is a human that exists out there somewhere and i find that the be the most beautiful thing the world ever made true so.... i guess going through shit is worth it as long as i get to make this perfect lil guy a lil bit happier :)
other than that..... i dont have much going for me... im still a lovely person, but im plagued by the life ive been given to survive and it's only getting harder to keep the hope alive. im not really working on hope anymore tbh... just on pure stubborness and desire to see myself happy some day. i dont hope for a better life in the future, i know it will be, i know i can make that happen for myself.... but also dying will make for an end to the torement so..... but still, i'd prefer to live the life....
idk that's about it.... monologue over
it’s small joys saturday y’all let’s get it
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swtheartz · 1 day ago
i loved your little drabble of the “breaking up with mark doesn’t work” post and i’d really like to hear your thoughts on how that would go down with some of his variants if you have the time pretty please🫶✨
ohh of course dear !! been thinking abt it and this req inspired me even more info : obsessive behavior, mentions and acts of murder, stalking, he’s crazy in every universe. gn!reader a / n : this is a gift to you guys for 348 followers. i’m soo grateful n happy <33
he thinks it’s a joke at first. you’ve no real reason to actually want to leave him, right? he’s utterly convinced that there was nothing wrong with the relationship. and to be fair, there wasn’t. other than the fact he was possessive as shit and always had tabs on you. would scare off your friends and constantly linger around you whenever he wasn’t terrorizing the masses. the second he realizes that you’re serious? he doesn’t take it very well. you won’t ever find someone better than him. he won’t let you. just what human could ever be better than him?
“You’re not very good at jokes,” Mark says—voice and expression both hauntingly blank. It sends chills down your spine for the simple fact he’s never had such an empty tone. The way he looks at you is something that you can’t exactly put into words. Maybe he’s disappointed. Maybe he’s annoyed, or expectant, or some other emotion that you cannot be bothered to decipher. Not when there’s blood staining your clothes and his, the floor, your cheeks and his hands. Whatever ‘friend’ you were hanging out with was dead before they’d hit the ground. It’s been twelve days since you had gathered the courage to tell Mark you wanted a break, and it took him this long to take you seriously. Thought, it hadn’t taken much effort for him to take a life. “I don’t know why you thought this was a good idea. . .” He hummed, tilting his head as he crouched down in front of you, watching you tremble like a deer in front of an incomprehensible creature. ”But let’s not do this again, hm?”
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calm. at least, he seems calm. but he also doesn’t take you very seriously. acts as he usually does, even asks you when the next date night is. as if he’ll even be able to make it with his schedule and how often he cancels on you. looks at you as though you’ve said something ludicrous when you answer that there isn’t a date night—you’re not together anymore. surely, you don’t know what you’re talking about. if you wanted him to plan the next date, you could have just told him. he’s usually the one that does all the thinking, anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. honestly, what made you think you could walk away from him? the one human he cares for, and you’ve the nerve to try and separate from him? funny.
“We’re not dating, Mark.” The way the two of you stare at each other for a few tense moments is a little awkward, though he doesn’t seem to care. He holds eye contact with you before sighing—like you’re a child who doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Like you’ve garnered the nerve to tell some dry joke. “If you have a problem,” Mark starts, arms crossed against his chest as he ignores your exasperated expression, “we talk it out. Like a couple is supposed to do.” “But we’re not a couple anymore. That is what I’m telling you.” You’re attempting to be reasonable, you really are, but you swear up and down he’s making you feel like the crazy one. This has got to be the third time you’ve had this conversation with him, and it hasn’t even been a week. There isn’t any way you can get through to him and you just don’t understand why. Mark scoffs, again, ignoring you. “I’ll make sure I’m not busy. Crime’s been going down, so it should be fine. They’ll manage without me.” “Just kill me already.” You mutter to yourself, unable to decide whether or not you’ll be able to ever get your point across. . . . You’ll just try again tomorrow.
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more pathetic than mainstream mark. this man is like a wet cat in the rain. tries to maintain distance, but ends up following you everyday, texts you without thinking about it while he attempts to reason that it’s okay. you just need some distance and time, and maybe you’ll both get better. ends up outside your window after a particularly bad fight with a villain he had. he didn’t do it on purpose, he just sort of ended up here. call it muscle memory if you will. all he knows is that he’s a mess without you—needs you like oxygen, can barely think or focus on anything without you. probably the only one that tries to be the best he can be for you outside of the main universe. and probably the only one you didn’t really want to break up with.
“ ‘m sorry.”
“ ‘m sorry,” Mark sniffles, face tucked into your neck as he clings to you. You’d think of it as pathetic if it were anyone but him, honestly. He’d shown up with your favorite candy and drink, bloody and looking like a stray abandoned on the side of the street. You practically had to drag him through the window when he tried to turn back around. It took a bit of insisting and a med-kit to get him cleaned and patched up, despite him reminding you that he technically didn’t need it. You snapped at him to shut up before inevitably pulling him to your room again—letting him stay the night was an easy decision, almost too easy. As of right now, he was simply listening to the sound of your heartbeat, your soft breathing, enjoying the way your gentle fingers tangled in his hair. It was sweet. Familiar. Something Mark had missed so much it made his heart ache and hurt, to the point felt as though it was being ripped apart. Though, if it were done by your hands, he wouldn’t mind.
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a / n : i liked writing this, i might make a part two to this and i’m gonna make the healer reader thing a series if you guys are up to reading that. mwah mwahhhh
taglist : @lxkoluvsu // @broicouldjustbuyyousomekombucha // @tokoyamisstuff
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damneddamsy · 2 days ago
falling | joel miller x fem!oc (part ix)
summary: Winter rolls into Jackson once more, but things are heating up in the big, white house across the street.
a/n: 18+ MDNI smut, but are you ready for the most wholesome smut you've ever read in your life? also update -> so, heh, I'm not really great at smut per se, this one, I've really tried to capture the luuurv, the physicality of it, and I really hope I've done it justice. also, happy earth day people!
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There came a time in Joel’s life when he grew so used to boring bullshit that he actually preferred it. He didn’t know if that was old age creeping up on him, dragging him toward the inevitability of doing absolutely nothing, or if he was just plain tired of a life spent running from one disaster to the next. Either way, he found himself appreciating the small mercies. His own simple pleasures.
Going to bed without whiskey clawing its way down his throat. Waking up without his head feeling like a busted canteen. Fresh, warm socks straight from the laundry. Knuckling down and figuring out how to cook something that wasn’t just oatmeal or meat cooked to leather, not because he had to, but because he wanted to get it right.
At some point, he realized he didn’t care much to keep busy anymore—except for when it came to Leela and Maya. But it was strange how a simple life could still surprise him, could still land a punch straight to the ribs with five little words:
“Why don’t you stay here?”
It had caught him mid-sip, a few days after Leela’s little weed trip, while they were eating dinner. He’d had to set his cup down and stare at her. Make sense of it for three seconds. Even though the answer had already been waiting in his gut, inevitable as sunrise, he had smiled:
“Why not, darlin’?”
And yeah, he loved the big, white house. It was Jackson's history, with old black-and-white pictures lining the walls—Leela’s parents, grandparents, ghosts of people who had walked these halls before him. And maybe, in some small way, he was stitching himself into its bones with his work, care, and name. All the little fond memories in every nook of the home. His hands had worn themselves raw winterizing the garden, keeping the fences up, and scraping, painting, hammering, and patching up Maya’s nursery when she got naughty enough to climb right out of the crib. Light fixtures, floorboards, leaky pipes—he’d wrenched his calf muscle twice trying to fix that goddamn water heater.
Now, as Joel sat at Tommy’s dining table, peeling peas like a goddamn housewife, shoulders hunched, fingers working on autopilot, he continued sneaking glances at them—stuck on them. On all the ways it wasn’t working—on all the ways it was. Why not him?
Maya was perched on Tommy’s arm, fiddling with the salt shaker like it was some great mystery waiting to be solved. Tommy, for all his grumbling about how much of a menace she was, held her tight. That kid had him wrapped around her tiny little finger, and everyone knew it. He’d drive her nuts—hide her favourite toy just to get a rise out of her, tease her until she was practically throwing hands at him—but she’d always come racing back, tossing her arms around his neck, giggling as he swung her up high.
Joel’s hands stilled into peeling the peapod.
It was impossible not to notice how Maria and Tommy moved like two parts of a well-oiled machine. He watched them in the kitchen, just weaving in and out of each other’s space without thinking. Like those buzz magnets Sarah used to stick on the fridge from the capsule toys, repelling, colliding, but always snapping back into place. A hand passed a spoon without looking, a playful bump of the hip, a shared smile that needed no words. Tommy smoothed a hand over Maria’s forehead as she ducked too close to a sharp corner, and she didn’t flinch—just trusted.
Maria smirked at him. “Baby, you hover worse than Joel.”
“Please,” Tommy scoffed, stroking up her back. “Joel’s got me beat by a mile. He’s like a damn watchdog with our kid.” He bounced Maya on his arm, glancing at Joel. “Ain’t that right, big brother?”
Joel rolled his eyes, focusing back on the peas. “She’s one. Anybody with a brain watches a toddler.”
Tommy tsked. “You hear that, Maya? Your mean ol' daddy just called me stupid.”
“I mean, if the shoe fits,” Maria teased, setting a pot on the stove.
Maya giggled, still turning the salt shaker in her hands, getting salt everywhere. “Stew-pid.”
Tommy let out a dramatic gasp, clutching his chest like he’d been wounded. “Et tu, Brute?” He kissed her cheek anyway, undeterred.
Joel shook his head, hiding a smirk. He didn’t say it, but Tommy wasn’t wrong. He was like a watchdog when it came to Maya. Couldn’t help it. That little girl had carved out a place in him that he didn’t even know was still open. His little girl. Maybe not by blood. Maybe not by title. But she was his. Just like Sarah had been. Just like Ellie was.
But maybe that’s why watching Tommy and Maria hurt in a way he wasn’t ready to admit. Because what they had—this effortless, built-in kind of love—wasn’t something he’d dreamt of. Now he wanted it.
It wasn’t even physical, not really. It was just… love. Uncomplicated. Reciprocated. A year ago, he would’ve grunted something about getting a room. Tommy would’ve shot back about owning the whole damn house. But now—
He swallowed, shifting in his chair, wondering. Did he and Leela look like that in their home?
No, hell no. No, he wasn’t the type to put effort into how they were perceived. He barely liked acknowledging it himself, how he softened around her, how he let himself be someone else—someone better—when she was near. But it happened anyway, didn’t it? Without him meaning to. Made him want things.
And ever since he wholly made his home at their big, white house, he was sinking into it.
His love for her wasn’t flashy. He didn’t know how far to go beyond small things. He wasn’t the romantic kind of man, the kind to pick flowers or whisper pretty words. He wasn’t great at it, and wasn’t sure how far to go beyond having her coffee ready by her bedside in the morning. Beyond making sure that when he washed the dishes, hers were the first ones he cleaned, every time. Beyond leaving all the hot water for her and Maya, even if it meant stepping into a freezing shower himself when the temperatures were dropping fast.
She never noticed.
Or maybe she did. Because she had her own ways.
He wasn’t proud of how stupidly fond he got over the little things. The times he’d find his old boots, the ones he refused to part with, sitting by his bed freshly polished, patched up with rubber cement like new. Or how the busted projector in the dusty TV room—the one he’d given up on fixing—suddenly worked one night, humming quietly, waiting for him to indulge in some shitty action flick. She never made a big deal out of it and never expected anything in return. She just did things, because that’s how she loved.
God, the damn dopey grin he let out every time he caught on.
But they didn’t move in sync the way Tommy and Maria did around their home. here were rituals and rhythms, but they were dominoes—Joel would pick up where she left off.
Hell, they didn’t even sleep in the same bed. There was always a line. Physical. Emotional. Always a line, a place where he had to stop, where he had to get off.
He hated that fucking line.
He thought they’d been getting somewhere. That all the careful comforts, the small reassurances, the time—that it had chipped away at whatever was keeping her so guarded. Then there was that night.
That late night played back in his mind like a bad dream.
Leela, pacing back and forth, frustrated noises slipping past her throat, her blackboards covered in endless scribbles, eyes darting too fast, too desperate. Her hands shook as she wrote, erased, and rewrote. Then, suddenly, she just… crumpled. Joel found her there like that at two in the morning. Collapsed to her knees. Silent sobs racked her whole body, hands gripping at her hair, shoulders curling inward like she was trying to disappear into herself. The kind of cry that tore her apart, that was meant to be hidden.
It was like a jagged blade to the ribs, seeing her that way, and trying to ignore it. His Leela. His tireless, self-sufficient, do-everything-alone Leela, folded in on herself like a wounded animal.
He’d been on his knees before he even thought about it, hands reaching for hers.
“Hey, baby—” He cupped her palms, kissed them, trying to soothe her out. “It’s okay, darlin’. It’ll come to you.”
And then—she shoved him away. Like he burned her. Like she couldn’t stand him being there. “You don't know anything.”
“No,” he murmured, setting his palms on his knees, “but, talk me through it. I'm right here.”
And he tried to stroke the back of her head now, just to ground her to him, but before he could touch her, she'd jostled his hand off her.
“Please just leave me alone, please,” she’d choked out, voice small, broken. Final.
She might as well have reached into his chest and crushed his heart with her bare hands. He swallowed everything he wanted to say, everything he wanted to do, and stood up, silent. Left her there like he was the one who had misstepped.
And ever since that fucking breakthrough—the discovery she had been chasing for years on end—it had been like this. Slipping. Slipping deeper into whatever obsession had taken hold of her, staring past her own life's work like there was another world hidden behind it. Like she’d solved the last goddamn piece of the puzzle but couldn’t stop staring past it, searching for something else. A prisoner to her mind, a slave to her intellect—and he had no clue how to save her from herself.
He thought a discovery meant solace. That she’d finally rest. Kick back and focus on raising her perfect kid. Instead, she was spiralling. Faster. Harder. And he was left standing there, watching her slip through his fingers.
And maybe he should just let it happen. Let her go. Let her chase whatever was in her head, let it take her, let it swallow her whole. Ignore it, let it blow up in his face, pick up the pieces, and move on. It seemed like the easier option.
Because he sure as hell wasn’t dragging her on some death trip to L.A. to get a bunch of scholars’ rubber stamp of approval. And for what? To hear a bunch of stuck-up assholes tell her what she already knew? To chase after something that might not even be there anymore, past the patrol trails that promised nothing but death?
It wasn’t happening. Not on his watch.
“Joel, can you take this out to the kids, please?” Maria’s voice cut clean through his thoughts. He blinked, glancing up just as she pushed a bowl of garlic knots toward him. “Don’t want them starving before dinner’s done.”
Kids. How the hell Leela had ended up in that category was beyond him. But she’d started hanging around Ellie and her friends more, all of them messing around with her, out of good heart or the fuck of it, he did not know. They’d even managed to rope her into their little hijinks late into the night, like right now.
He’d seen Ellie dragging her outside earlier, that same oversized stack of star charts that Leela had gifted her tucked under her arm, Dina and Jesse trailing right after her with waves, and practically buzzing with excitement. He’d heard snippets of the invitation—something about mapping the constellations, something about seeing the stars “like they used to be.” And, to his surprise, Leela had actually gone along with them.
From inside, he’d catch the sound of laughter floating through the backyard. It wasn’t much, but hell, it was a little relief, knowing she was out there, around some good spirits, instead of pacing around those goddamn blackboards like she was trying to solve the meaning of life.
He stood to take the bowl out, but before he could even make it past the table—
Joel stopped in his tracks. Maya had her hands stretched toward him, little fingers grabbing at the air, grinning mouth already open in expectation.
“Pease gimme,” she demanded.
He snorted, reaching over to pop his finger between her lips instead. “Nice try, baby girl. Dinner first.”
“Pease, pease! Aw, da-da!” she whined, brown eyes big and pleading, nearly changing his heart, wriggling against Tommy’s chest in an attempt to get to him.
He just shook his head, slipping away toward the hallway. “Gotta do better than that.”
Tommy was already distracting her with a spoonful of tomato soup that was bubbling away by the time he stepped out the back door.
Outside, the kids were alright. Dina and Jesse were off to one side by the fences, heads bent together in their own little world. Joel should’ve broken them up, should’ve told them to leave some damn space between them, but—
His eyes flicked to Ellie instead.
She was standing a few feet away, arms crossed, staring at the happy couple long and hard. And the second she felt Joel watching her, she snapped her gaze away, clearing her throat and focusing on Leela instead. He tried not to dwell on it, though his brows shot right up in question.
Leela, on the other hand—she wasn’t paying attention to any of it.
She had her head tilted up, her gaze tracking the sky, that damn star map spread open in her hands. She was muttering under her breath, tracing something invisible in the air, her brows drawn together in deep concentration. That look she got—the one where her whole world shrank down to whatever puzzle was in front of her—alive, glowing.
It was the same look she had when she worked through some problem scrawled across her blackboards. The same look she had when she was fixing something—quiet, focused, all sharp edges and restless movement, pulling things apart just to put them back together again. It was amazing how much Maya looked like her mama, she had that exact same look when she tried to decipher the chords as he played guitar.
And god help him, he loved Leela like this. Loved the way she got lost in things, the way her mind worked like a racecar engine. Loved the way she’d get so caught up in the details that she’d forget the rest of the world existed, forget to eat, forget to sleep—loved it, even when it pissed him off.
Loved her. Jesus, it was amazing how his old ass could still get hooked on a girl like this.
Ellie barely had a second to react before he shoved the bowl into her chest. “Haven’t missed the boat just yet, kiddo,” he teased.
Ellie shot him a glare. “Oh, fuck you, Joel.” She shoved a garlic knot into her mouth. “I know Leela’s only tolerating your ass.”
Joel chuckled, stepping forward.
Leela was still lost in the map, tapping a finger against her temple, muttering under her breath as her eyes darted between the lines and symbols. Joel quietly came up behind her, lowering just enough to brush his lips against her ear.
“Lookin' up at your own kind?” he murmured.
Ellie, mid-chew, made an exaggerated gagging noise.
Joel, grumbling, kicked a lazy leg in her direction. “Get outta here. Go on, git.”
Ellie rolled her eyes, snatching another garlic knot from the bowl before slinking off into the house.
Joel, though—he stayed.
Leela finally glanced up from her map, blinking at him like she’d just realized he was there. The slight furrow of her brow softened, the haze of focus giving way to a quiet, warm smile. “Hi, Joel.”
That smile. His name shaped like a hymn on her lips. Subtle. A thing most people wouldn’t catch if they weren’t looking for it. But Joel was always looking, listening. And God, he loved catching her like this. Unaware, until she wasn’t.
He smiled back, slow and knowing, waiting for her to say something else, maybe acknowledge the way he’d lowered his voice just for her, the way he’d leaned in close enough for his breath to stir a few strands of her hair—
But she didn’t. She just turned back to her damn star chart, completely disregarded his sorry attempt at flirting, as if he was nothing more than a passing shadow.
Joel exhaled sharply through his nose, shaking his head. The only thing worse than flirting with Leela was getting ignored by her.
The air had shifted before he had even noticed. Not by much—just enough that he could feel it. The barely-there stiffness in her shoulders, all the implicit everything sinking in the inches between them.
Because this was the first time he’d properly approached her in two days. He hadn't crossed past the courtesies or bare necessities, this time, he felt like it had soothed over.
The last time being her breakdown. And she was here now—outside, breathing, looking up at the sky like she hadn’t spent days holed up in that house, tangled in her own mind. Like she was okay.
But Joel knew better.
Leela clucked her tongue, rolling up the chart in frustration. “It’s like I’m wasting my potential.” A sigh, thin and frayed at the edges. “I can’t think straight. I can’t find the stupid… star. Something’s wrong with me.”
Joel nudged his shoulder into hers, trying to shake something loose. “There ain't nothin’ wrong with you. You just need to get out of the house a little more.”
She shook her head, already brushing him off. “I’m not teaching at the school, Joel. I told you, it's not for me.”
There was something automatic about the way she said it—premeditated. A flicker of irritation behind her eyes, like she’d already decided where this conversation was going before he even had the chance to take it there.
Joel just lifted a brow. “Not askin' you to.”
Leela blinked, lips parting slightly. Like maybe she’d expected an argument. But he wasn’t Tommy or Maria. He wasn’t anyone else. He wasn’t trying to fix her.
Leela ran a hand down her face, rubbing at her eyes. “I just… it’s so incomplete.” Her voice wavered slightly, barely above a whisper. “I know I’m done, I ran the numbers a hundred times, but I��” She bit her lip, frustration flickering across her face. "I can’t stand the fact that I don’t have anything else to work toward.”
Joel studied her for a long moment.
This wasn’t just about the damn star chart. She needed something. A goal, a project—something to occupy her hands, her mind, something to pour herself into. Because without it, she was stuck in her own head. Stuck waiting.
He reached out, sliding a hand to the back of her head. His fingers traced slow, absentminded strokes before his arm draped heavy around her shoulders, pulling her into his side.
“You need a break, darlin’.”
Leela let herself sink against him, nestling her nose against the worn fabric of his shirt. Her hands slipped against his sides, resting at his ribs, tentative, like she hadn’t touched him in a while and wasn’t sure if she still could.
“And do what?”
“Help me fix up that swing for Maya’s birthday.”
Joel felt the small hitch in her breath before she even lifted her head.
“Maya’s—” She gasped, cupping a hand over her mouth. “Oh my God, her birthday. I completely—” Her voice broke slightly. “How did you know?”
Joel shrugged. “Did some mental math. She was barely a month old when we first met. Figure it’s comin’ up soon.”
Leela closed her eyes. “Yes. Christmas.”
“Holly jolly Christmas baby,” he said, snickering. He didn’t know if it was hard-luck or fortuitous that their baby girl’s birthday overlapped with a holiday.
Leela groaned softly, pressing the heels of her palms against her eyes. “I’m a terrible mother.”
Joel made a derisive noise, picking her hands off her eyes before cupping her cold cheek. “Nah, just a scatterbrained one.”
And when she finally laughed—light, breathy, warm—it was as if he’d struck gold.
He let himself look at her then. Her long hair was a mess, spilling around her face from the loose braid, wild and tangled from where she’d been tugging at it in frustration. The stars flecked in her big, dark eyes, dim and soft, like the whole night sky had been stitched there just for him.
Christ, he loved her. It hit him in strange moments like this. Not in the middle of some grand declaration, not when they were on the brink of tragedy. Just here. Just in the way she folded against him, breathing slow, in the way she trusted him enough to let her guard down.
Joel brushed his thumb against her temple. “You’re alright, you know that?”
Leela blinked. “What?”
“You,” he murmured. “You’re doin' okay. I've got you now.”
A breath. Then she smiled—small, almost imperceptible, but there. And Joel, stupid, old fool that he was—he fucking melted.
Because he’d said nothing special. Just a handful of words, low and gruff and barely above a whisper. And yet—there was something in her eyes now, reassurance, like she needed to hear it, and she hadn’t let herself believe it until now. Until he said it. Until it came from him.
She tiptoed, her forehead leaning into his, her fingers curling lightly into his shirt. He could feel the warmth of her breath, feel the way she hesitated for just a second, like maybe she was unsure—
But then she kissed him.
Slow, soft, uncertain, and God help him, but he could’ve crushed her right into his bones. “Right now?”
“Just a little one,” she whispered against his lips.
“Killin' me.”
Because it had been too fucking long since he had her like this—since she let him have her like this. And for weeks now, ever since that weed trip of hers, he’d been holding himself back, watching her from a distance, all while within their house, twenty-four by seven, just waiting for the right moment.
His large hand found the curve of her throat, his thumb pressing gently beneath her jaw as he tilted her into his smiling lips, deepening the kiss. She tasted of him, of her, a blend of them both, and Joel wanted to drown in it.
She made a soft noise against his lips, barely there, but felt, and he was already stretching for her ass, already—
Joel flinched, eyes still half-lidded, mind heady with her, with them, but—Leela broke away immediately, her head snapping toward the deck.
And there stood Maya. The little menace herself, gripping the railing for balance, two entire garlic knots stuffed in her tiny fist.
Joel sighed sharply, tilting his head back toward the sky. Just on time, the peanut-butt cockblocker.
Maya’s attention wasn’t on them, though. No, she was too focused on her real struggle—getting herself down the stairs while holding onto both knots, because apparently, letting go was out of the question.
Joel huffed, already moving. “Hey-ey—now, who the heck gave you those?”
Because Maya didn’t just find food. No, that kid knew exactly who to ask and how to ask. A little manipulator before she even hit two years old.
Maya just grinned at him, all teeth and mischief, one cheek puffed out with the stolen bread, and Joel didn’t even have to guess which poor soul had caved under that wide-eyed, baby-faced con job.
He reached for Maya's hand. “Gimme that. Didn’t I tell you no snacks before dinner?”
And because she was, without a doubt, his worst nightmare—she twisted away from him with a high-pitched squeal, shoving another bite into her mouth as she waddled to the other side of the deck.
Joel sighed. “Goddamn it, trouble.”
Behind him, Leela laughed with her daughter, already climbing up onto the deck. “Alright. C’mere, baby.”
Maya didn’t fight her. Just beamed up at her mama, eyes bright and full of adoration. Leela crouched before her, brushing at the curls on her forehead.
“Can you feed Mama one?”
And just like that—without hesitation—Maya held one out. Anything her mother said, she followed. Anything at all. It was Joel she was coming to rebel against with her little cheekiness. And Joel being completely susceptible to her charms, fell for it constantly.
Leela leaned in, mouth open, and Maya giggled before pushing the knot between her lips.
Joel shook his head, arms crossed over his chest, watching them. Leela, the master Maya manipulator, struck once more.
She hummed in approval, chewing theatrically. “Mmm, so good. One more, please?”
And Maya, delighted, shoved the other half-eaten, slobbery garlic knot into her mother’s mouth.
Joel made a noise. “Jesus.”
Leela, struggling through a laugh, wiped her mouth, grinning. “Thank you, baby.”
Maya clapped her hands together, voice piping up—“No-mo.”
Leela licked some garlic butter from her thumb, grunting as lifted Maya onto her hip. “Let’s get something real to eat before your poor dad pops a vein on his head.”
Joel scoffed, following them up the stairs, feeling every damn step in his knees. “Pop a vein—psh, yeah, you wish.”
Dinner with the Millers' was always a big thing nowadays. Joel, finally, had found himself growing used to the way the table felt a little more complete now, moored closer to one of his own.
Back in the old days—hell, even when it was just him and Tess in Boston—meals were quiet, nothing but the clink of cutlery, the scrape of bowls, the occasional grunt of acknowledgement if someone asked for the last bite. Food had been something to get through, not something to enjoy.
But here? This? It was a whole damn production.
It seemed like Leela, Maria, and Tommy were trying to outdo each other on every dinner occasion. Joel never saw them outright say it, but the evidence was all right here—plates filled to the brim with roasted vegetables and some sort of braised meat that smelled damn near decadent. There was even fresh bread, sliced and golden, butter melting into the soft notches. Warmth, everywhere—lamplight spilling golden across the table, the faint crackle of the fireplace, boots nudging against each other under the table.
And noise. So much noise.
Jesse had ducked out early, leaving Dina to make herself at home beside Ellie, and it didn’t take long for them to get into it.
“Okay, but that is not how you use a fuckin' knife,” Ellie was saying, waving her fork in Dina’s face.
Maria sighed. “There's a talking toddler at the table.”
As if on cue, Maya smacked her little hand onto the table. Ellie showed her teeth at her, sheepish. “My bad.”
Dina rolled her eyes, all dramatic. “Well, excuse me for not being a serial killer, Miss ‘Lemme Show You The Proper Stabbing Technique.’”
Joel smirked at that one, chewing on a piece of trout.
It was a different kind of comfort. Something he still wasn’t used to—this abundance after a long time.
And then there was Leela, stealing his heart, piece by piece. The way she’d always scooted her chair a little closer to his. The way her knee brushed his under the table. The way she let him rest a hand over her thigh, stroke it when he was tense like it was all his. The way she’d laugh when someone cracked a joke at his expense—which was often—squeezing his shoulder like he was some goddamn kicked puppy before turning back to her plate.
Didn’t even take long for that to happen. Joel knew Tommy had that look in his eye—that look, the one that meant he was about to open his dumbass mouth. And sure enough...
“So,” Tommy started, all innocent-like. “How's shackin’ up in the big house treatin’ ya, Mensch Miller?”
Joel wanted to put his fork through his brother’s skull. Right between the eyes. So, he barely spared him a glance. “Go to hell.”
Tommy snorted. “C’mon now, ain't no shame in it. We're all real proud of you for finally gettin’ over your fear of commitment. Folks?”
A round of agreements circled the table—Maria, Dina, even Ellie with a smirk and a nod, like they’d all been waiting for this exact moment. Joel sighed through his nose, already regretting every life choice that led him to this.
Dina leaned in, grinning. “Oh my God. Joel, did you finally put a ring on it?”
Ellie snorted. “Yeah, ‘cause there’s so many jewellery stores open these days.”
Joel shot her a flat look. “Could always carve one outta bone.”
Dina sighed with literal heart eyes. “Aww. So metal.”
Ellie recoiled instead. "Dude—what the actual fuck?"
Tommy wheezed at that one. But Leela didn’t react much at all. Just blinked at them, her expression blank, like she had no idea why the hell they were making such a big deal out of it. Then, casually, like it was the most obvious thing in the world—
“We’re partners,” she said simply, reaching up to his jaw, nails scraping at his scruff. “Right, Joel?”
Joel damn near choked on his own tongue.
Because—what the hell? She wasn’t one for casual touches, wasn’t one for public anything, really. Wasn't some joke, not a passing comment—she just said it, plain as anything. Like it was a truth she’d already made peace with.
Partners. Not a maybe. Not a half-measure. A fact. Halves. Two mates. And it knocked the wind right out of him.
Because Joel had spent so damn long waiting—waiting for her to say something, to define this thing between them, to give him even the smallest indication that she saw him as more than just a man passing through her life.
And here she was, not making a big deal out of it. Not afraid of it, simply stating the obvious. Because fuck, she was right. They were partners now. He had a partner now.
A slow sip of his drink was the only thing that kept him from making an absolute fool of himself.
Dina cackled, slapping the table. “Look at his face. I frickin' love you, Leela.”
Ellie groaned, shoving a bite of food into her mouth. “Jesus, you two deserve each other.”
Maria smirked. “So when’s the big day?”
Dina hummed. “Mm-mm, she'll have to wait, Joel promised to make the ring out of bone.”
Ellie gagged. “Oh my God, Dina—could you please stop with the bone talk?”
Tommy snickered, elbowing him. “Never thought I’d see the day. Big brother all wrangled up.”
Joel sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You know I got a gun, right?”
Tommy waved a hand, still grinning. “Yeah, yeah. But you ain't shootin’ me ‘cause our baby girl would be real mad at you.”
And then, of course, there was his baby girl in the midst of all this. It had become second nature by now—the back-and-forth of it all, alternating between holding Maya, fending off his teasing family, and feeding her.
Not that it was much of a competition with her. Most of the time, she quietly ended up in his lap, legs dangling over his thigh, picking curiously at the old scar on his forearm as he spooned food into her mouth.
Leela swore she’d grow out of that habit, but Joel wasn’t so sure. He’d seen that girl study the mark like it held the secrets of the universe since she was a few months old. Tiny fingers tracing the jagged edges, soft and intent, like she was mapping him.
Didn’t matter what he put in front of her—if he ate it, she ate it.
Thank God she wasn’t a picky eater like her mama. He still remembered the first few months of trying to get Leela to eat like a normal person—always picking at her food, losing her appetite, always eating just enough and nothing more.
But Maya? Shit. She was his. His perfect little girl—but nothing like him. Loud, expressive, always moving, always talking. She loved to babble, loved to laugh, loved to feed him right from his own damn plate.
“Da-da, aah.”
He moved his head away. “Nuh-uh. Sit your little butt down.”
“Dinna, da-da.”
“I can eat my own dinner, thanks.”
When her adamant whine pierced through the noise on the table, he gave up. Joel barely glanced at her, already sighing as he opened his mouth.
Sure enough, Maya balanced her pudgy feet on his lap and shoved a forkful of fish into his mouth, giggling like she’d just accomplished something huge.
Joel chewed slowly, unimpressed. “Real nice.”
And then—just to add insult to injury—she reached up and patted his forehead, all delicate and reassuring, just like her mama did to her whenever she did something right.
Ellie snorted. “She's just teaching you manners, old man.”
Dina smirked. “Yeah, ever heard of ‘em?”
He shot them both a look but swallowed the bite anyway. Maya squealed like she knew she was being funny, then reached out for his plate again.
Joel sighed, nudging her grabby fingers away. “Alright, move it, baby girl. Ain’t no way you’re finishing my plate before I do.”
The conversation rolled on around him, blending into laughter and stories. Joel drifted in and out of it, shifting his focus between indulging Maya’s antics and half-listening to Tommy and Maria trade jabs about whose turn it was to cook next.
At some point, the conversation took a turn.
“So,” Tommy started, leaning back in his chair. “What’s next, Lee? The last big thing was that lightning harvester. Then you set up the new water filtration thing.” He gestured vaguely as if the list of things she’d accomplished was casual, nothing major. “You always got somethin’ cookin’. What’s next for Jackson?”
The table quieted just a fraction, all eyes shifting toward Leela with a familiar kind of expectation.
Joel felt her stiffen beside him. She didn’t answer right away, just glanced around at them—Dina, Ellie, Maria, Tommy—all waiting for some brilliant, world-changing answer.
But only Joel knew the sleepless nights, he’d seen her try to redo the math, rework the impossible, just to feel like she had something left to solve. So all he’d been able to do was let her at it, leave her to her circles and theories, and go back to bed, waiting for her to wear herself out. He knew that math of hers had wrecked her—driven her to the edge of exhaustion, of obsession.
And now, sitting here, she looked like she wanted to vanish.
So before the silence could stretch too long before they could push her for something she wasn’t ready to say—Joel spoke for her.
“She actually solved the Riemann hypothesis,” he said, casual as anything, like he was commenting on the weather. A little smug, too.
A beat.
Dina blinked. “The—what?”
Ellie narrowed her eyes. “You just made that up.”
Joel sighed, rubbing a hand over his beard. “Nah. It’s a real thing.” He reached for his water and took a slow sip. “Some math theory. Big deal, apparently. Heck if I knew.”
Tommy, to his credit, pretended like he was just hearing about it for the first time, looking between Joel and Leela with exaggerated surprise.
Dina scoffed. “You don’t know?”
Joel gave her a look. “Do I look like someone who spends his time thinkin’ about math?”
Ellie snorted. “Okay, but you can’t just say it’s a big deal and not even try to explain it.”
Joel sighed again, this time more dramatically, because this truly was exhausting him. “Alright. Uh… somethin’ ‘bout numbers. Division. Shit, I don’t fuckin’ know.” He absently stroked Maya's curls. “S’got a lotta squiggles and letters. But little miss genius figured it out.”
Ellie’s face twisted to a shit-eating grin. “Squiggles?”
Joel turned to Leela, mortified at himself, seeking some reprieve. “Tell ‘em.”
Leela, looking a little like she wanted to shrink into the floor, tucked her hair behind her ear and gave a small nod. “I um, did prove the theory. Took my family a really long time to complete.”
“Wait, actually. I've read about Riemann,” Dina went on, straightening in her seat. “That’s the whole—prime numbers thing—no one’s been able to solve that, right? And if you did, you get like a million dollars or something?”
Leela barely glanced up. “Yes, actually. Millenium Prize problem.”
Joel, watching her carefully, felt the way her fingers curled into the fabric of her pants under the table.
Ellie leaned in. “Okay, but like—now what? You can’t just—sit on that, right? Don’t you have to tell someone?”
Leela exhaled, slowly. “It’s… complicated. Our world isn't the way it was.”
Joel saw it—the way her shoulders went tight, the way her face shut down.
Dina wasn’t getting it. “How? This is, like, huge. You should—”
Maria, sensing the tension, jumped in smoothly. “What about you, honey? You got any idea on this?”
Tommy, still side-eyeing Joel, shrugged. “Nah. Not a clue.” He sipped his drink. “I was more into the rabble-rousin’ with the Fireflies. And these FEDRA shits wouldn't care about all that.”
Joel let out a tense breath.
Dina groaned dramatically, throwing herself back in her chair. “Man. Would’ve been so cool to have your name in a book. Or somewhere. Professor of Mathematics, Leela.”
Leela managed a small smile, but her gaze had gone distant.
And Joel hated it. Hated that look. That quiet, almost-accepting disappointment.
He hated that she knew this world didn’t have room for her name in a book. That she’d spent years solving a problem no one would ever see, ever care about. And that should’ve been fine, right? Should’ve been something she could accept. But it wasn’t, because despite everything, despite how much she pretended not to care, she did.
And Joel, he wished like hell there was something he could do about it. That tiny drop of hope snuffed out in her eyes. Like for half a second, she thought—maybe there was a world where what she’d done actually mattered.
And it did. Just not in a way that’d ever change a damn thing.
Joel clenched his jaw, staring down at his glass like it might hold an answer.
There weren’t any. Not for this.
Because he knew how he could help her. Knew there were people—out west, in LA—who might care, who might listen, who might actually do something with what she’d done. There were still Fireflies, still remnants of old-world thinkers, people scraping together the last bits of science that hadn’t been buried under blood and ruin.
And if he told her—if he let her know they existed—she might go.
Leave him. Leave their perfect baby girl. Leave home. And that—he couldn’t let happen.
He needed her here.
Call him selfish? Monomaniacal? Maybe. But he didn’t give a fuck.
Joel had lived his life losing. Lost Sarah, lost Tess, lost whatever scraps of himself made him good once. And now—now, he had her. Had Maya. Had a reason to come home at the end of the day that wasn’t just the routine of it. He had that little vestige of trust and faith back in him, even if the ghosts lingered. He slept knowing he was going to wake up with purpose that wasn't just behind the flare of a rifle or the scent of blood. He had love, a warm home, all this food, these people.
And if Leela left—No.
He wouldn’t think about that. Not ever. He'd give up his breath before she risked it like a fucking idiot.
So he’d keep his mouth shut. Play dumb. Let the world stay small for her, even when she was meant for something bigger. Even when he saw the ache of it in her eyes. Even when he hated himself for it. But that was fine, he'd grown used to his hate.
So he did the only thing he could do—he raised his damn glass.
“To Leela,” he said, confident, eyes warm when they landed on her. “For doin’ the impossible.”
Her head snapped toward him, eyes widening just a fraction. Under the table, her fingers curled tight around his knee, firm—don’t.
She wasn’t the type to bask in praise, wasn’t one to revel in attention. But Joel wasn’t gonna let her disappear into the silence. So instead of backing down, he just smirked, pried her hand off his knee, and brought it to his lips.
His mouth was rough, the scrape of his beard even rougher, but the way he kissed her knuckles—gentle, slow, promising. A prayer he wouldn’t say out loud.
She froze up, breath catching just enough for him to notice, just enough to make his heart slam against his ribs. This was good. She was okay.
The table had gone quiet.
Then Tommy grinned, lifting his glass. “To Lee.”
Maria followed, then Ellie and Dina, voices echoing the words, raising their drinks. “To Leela.”
And then—clap, clap, clap! Maya, grinning wide, smacked her little hands together, delighted by the sudden chorus of voices, as if she had any clue what was happening.
Joel huffed a laugh, shaking his head. “You like that, baby?”
Maya just kept clapping, giggling as she looked between Joel and Leela, as if she understood this was about her mama, and that meant it was something right.
And Leela—God, she was looking at him now, like he was impossible, like she wasn’t sure whether she wanted to kiss him or kill him. Joel just held her hand tight, letting his thumb trace slow circles into her skin.
“You deserve it,” he murmured in her ear, meant just for her.
Leela let out a soft breath, almost like a sigh. Then, with barely a beat between them, she squeezed his hand right back.
Joel knew he had it good because the thought of reality was the only thing keeping him awake. After all, it felt like his dreams had come true.
But of course, nowadays, when Joel slept, he closed his eyes and he fell deeply, just as he did in love and loss, displaced of his path back. When he did ultimately open his eyes once more to the old patterned ceiling, tucked up in a disgustingly comfortable bed, within a house you could hear the wind slide under the eaves, the soft creak of the old floors settling, Maya’s soft little snores down the hall, the occasional rustle of sheets when Leela moved on her bed, he wasn’t sure when life had slowed down like this, when the days stopped being about surviving and started being about living.
Whatever it was, it was all Leela. She had insisted he take the biggest room when he moved in, and she wouldn’t hear a word otherwise. Stubborn as a damn mule, she’d just stared him down when he tried to argue, and—hell. It wasn’t like he minded. The room was ridiculous, the bathroom even more, with more closet space than he’d ever need, but the real saving grace was the football-field-sized bed.
Probably a thousand silky white pillows, freshly washed and dusted, stacked against a plush leather headboard, spilling over a white duvet. Bed to end all beds. Big enough to sink in between. Lonely enough when it got dark. Close enough to Maya’s nursery that when she woke in the middle of the night, whimpering softly in the dark, he was already moving, already lifting her up before she got too lonely.
Outside, winter had crept in slowly. Mornings turned from golden to white, breaths corkscrewing in steam ribbons against the cold. The sky was that sharp, steel-grey that told you snow wasn’t far behind, and Joel had started waking up to a frost-lined world, rooftops silvered, trees edged in ice.
December now, and Jackson was easing into the Christmas season and spirit—garlands strung between shop corners, lights winking from one lamppost to the next, a huge tree going up in the square, handmade ornaments showing up on doors. He had his own big efforts for Maya's first birthday and Christmas.
And then—just like the night before—it hit him.
Maya was turning one soon. The thought still knocked something loose in him. This tiny thing, this impossibly small, impossibly bright piece of his world who barely reached his knee. Who stumbled around in her little boots like she had somewhere really important to be. Who giggled like it could undo every bad thing in the world, cutting straight through the cold, through the ache in his bones, like it was nothing.
His girl. God, that was still a hard thing to wrap his head around. That she belonged to him. That he belonged to her.
He lay back against the pillows, an arm resting behind his head, and let his fingers graze the stack of Polaroids and photographs scattered across his nightstand. He flipped through each one slowly like one of Maya's bedtime stories, but only this one was real.
One of him and Ellie, captured by Leela, sprawled out on the porch swing, their boots propped up against the rail. Ellie mid-laugh, a cup of iced lemonade dangling from her fingers, frozen in time. He could almost hear her voice, thick with dry humour, and see the way her nose scrunched when she got to the best part of whatever story she was telling.
Tommy, Maria and him, once again captured by Leela, arms slung around each other at the hoedown, cowboy hats tilted over their heads, two of them tipsy and flushed. A night of music and good beer and warmth—the kind of warmth that had been rare for too long. The kind they hadn’t thought they’d find again.
And then—his fingers slowed.
One of them. Pretty sure it was Ellie who took this one. Maya, wedged between him and Leela, four little teeth showing, curls and eyes shining, a fork clutched in her fist, attention stolen by something off-camera. Leela, so beautiful under the flash, one hand curled protectively at Maya’s back, the other resting lightly on the table. And Joel, beside them both, his smile unsure, caught between trying to look natural and trying not to think too much about how unnatural it still felt—being in a picture like this.
But when he looked at it now—it looked so real. The family aspect of it.
He held the photo at arm’s length, studying it, the three of them together.
Though he looked apart from them. Incohesive. Hell, anyone would say it. The rougher, older edges of him, the shade of his skin and theirs, the texture of his hair and their black locks, the way his eyes weren’t the same big, almond eyes. Maya had Leela’s delicate features, her wide dark gaze, and her gentle intensity. And him—well, he was just there. An outsider, a man slotted into the frame, but not quite of it.
Except… that wasn’t true, was it?
Because if he looked long enough, he could see it. The shape of familiarity, how lived-in he seemed.
The way Maya leaned toward him in the picture, just slightly, even distracted as she was. The way Leela’s fingers curled gently toward his wrist, even unconsciously. The way he fit there, in the space beside them, not because he forced it, but because—somehow, without realizing it—he belonged there.
It made sense. Anyone who looked at this—anyone who knew—they’d know exactly what they were to each other.
He swallowed thickly, staring at the picture like it might shift in his hands or it might tell him something new. He wanted to keep it that way, within this frame, the three of them, until the time was up. God, how long would that be? Another few years?
A knock at his door pulled him from it, and he blinked, turning his head.
Leela pushed the door open slightly, peering inside. “Sorry. Do you have some time?”
He had his whole life for her, even if it was overkill. Joel cleared his throat, setting the Polaroids aside. “Always.”
She stepped inside, and Christ.
She was barefoot, those thin gold-chain anklets winking at him in the low light. The soft curve of her calves disappeared beneath the loose folds of that goddamn pearl-button nightdress—the one that never failed to drive him insane. It was slipping off her shoulder just enough to make his life miserable, the bare silhouette of her body teasing at the edges of his vision, itching his palms with the worst kind of temptation.
Joel sat up, rubbing a slow hand down his face, across the scruff along his jaw, suddenly feeling a hell of a lot more awake.
She didn’t hesitate, swishing the fabric under her as she perched on the edge of his bed, legs dangling off.
“I was just on the swing set before it started to snow,” she told him, her voice all wistful. “I think I might love it more than Maya does.”
Joel chuckled, dragging a hand through his hair. “I don’t know how baby girl’s gonna feel about sharing.”
It hadn’t taken him long to put together the swing set that stood proudly in the front yard—just a hell of a lot of effort, some cursing under his breath, and more muscle than he cared to admit. Sturdy wood, painted deep green, with painted pink and yellow flowers curling along the edges. The seat hung from two thick ropes, knotted tight, built to last. All safe and ready for his little girl.
Leela had helped, like she promised—though if her irritated grumbling was anything to go by, woodworking sure as hell wasn’t her calling. She hadn’t complained once about the splinters, but he caught her wincing every time she flexed her fingers, scowling down at the stubborn bits of wood lodged in her skin.
Joel, now, watched the way her gaze flicked to the photographs near his pillow, her expression shifting—soft, thoughtful. He didn’t move, just waited, letting her take her time.
Her brows furrowed slightly, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “How are your feet?”
Joel smirked, sinking back onto one elbow. “They're toasty, thanks.”
She pulled one knee up to her chest, resting her chin on it, fingers absently picking at a loose thread on her nightdress. “Mine too.” A grin flickered across her face. “I feel like my parents around you nowadays.”
That had him raising an eyebrow. “How's that now?”
Leela hesitated, her fingers stilling. Then, almost cautiously, she said, “You know… a couple. Partners. Married.” That last word barely even made the breath.
Joel stayed quiet, processing that for a moment. Shit, he couldn't. He almost blacked out.
“They were so crazy in love, Joel. Even at eighty.” A fond laugh slipped from her. “Dad would have her coffee ready every morning, help her tie her shoelaces, and open doors for her. Dance with her every night before bed. Never let her raise a finger around the home, even after the whole world came crumbling down around us.”
She smiled to herself, the memory a gentle thing.
“I’m gonna make you the happiest, fattest, laziest wifey in Jackson, sweetheart,” she recited, voice taking on a deep, playful lilt, like she was echoing her father's exact words.
Joel huffed out a laugh. “Sounds like a stand-up fella'.”
Leela nodded, then faltered, her lips parting like there was something else—something she wasn’t sure she should say. Joel waited, his fingers twitching against the blanket, patient.
Then softly, quietly, “He would've liked you.”
Joel looked away, to itch at his temple, hiding a grin. The thought of this man—the man who had made Leela feel safe, loved—looking at him and thinking he’s good enough for my little girl? No, he would've given him a hard time. Especially since no one stood to compare to Leela, much less a man like Joel, hitting sixty and greying. Her father would've come at him with his expensive shotgun.
Leela’s gaze lifted to his, eyes foolproof. She took a breath. “I feel like that with you.”
Joel's throat worked tough. His body had already moved before his mind caught up, his hand reaching out, fingers trailing along her temple, dipping into the thick waves of her hair.
“Like a fat, lazy wifey?” he murmured.
Leela let out a tiny, breathless laugh and immediately covered her face with both hands, her shoulders curling in. “Yeah. Is that bad?”
Joel’s grin pulled at his mouth, satisfaction sitting right on his bones. His thumb brushed over the curve of her cheek, a little more deliberate now, a little more his. “That’s the goal, sweetheart.”
Leela peeked at him through her fingers, then, as if gathering herself, slowly reached out and took his hand from her face. She held it in her lap, turning it over, tracing the rough lines of his palm. The callouses, the broken skin, the deep grooves time had worn into him.
She ran her thumb along the ridge of a scar, a flash of quiet passing through her expression. Not pity—Leela never looked at him like that. Just knowing. Understanding.
“Do you remember what you told me?” she murmured, still studying his hand, watching the way her fingers disappeared against the breadth of his palm. “That night after the bar?”
Joel exhaled, a deep thing, pulse hammering up his veins. “Do you?”
She squinted, like she was trying to piece a puzzle together, like it lived just at the edges of her memory.
“I don’t remember much. It's hazy.” Her voice dipped even quieter. “You told me you love me.”
Joel swallowed. His fingers flexed against hers before curling, his palm pressing lightly to her own like she might slip away if he didn’t hold onto her properly.
“And I’ll say it again,” he assured.
Leela finally looked up, meeting his gaze fully. Her fingers curled tighter around his hand, holding him there.
“I want to feel you now, Joel,” she said, soft but sure, like it was something she had already decided. “Loving all of me.”
A deep and molten flame uncoiled in him at her words, cracked something wide open.
Because she remembered. And he remembered the way she had trembled under him that night, high and reckless and desperate for something he wouldn’t give her. And he had whispered the only inevitable promise that he had ever felt—
“One day, when I’m deep inside you, I am all you're gonna be thinkin' of. Just me, loving all of you.”
And now—now Leela was here, in front of him, sober and clear-eyed and asking him for the very thing he had promised her.
Joel didn’t rush. He just reached for her, wanting and calm, his fingers trailing from her wrist, up the length of her arm, to her chin. He tilted her face toward him, waiting. Giving her the space to change her mind.
Leela stared at him, eyes, lips, eyes, lips, and it had him in agony. A prolonged soon enough, she simply lifted her lips to his like an offering.
And he took.
He kissed her like a man who had gone without for too long, hands crushing her closer to him, like a man afraid to break the very thing he craved. Worshipping her was softer than before because now he knew she wanted this. He knew she was choosing this. Choosing him. Out of all the sick, sorry bastards in this world, she picked him. Him.
“Gonna make you feel good,” he promised between kisses, hungering forward for more. “I'll make you feel like a queen, baby. I'll give you everything.”
Her fingers trailed up, skimming the scruff at his neck before splaying over his chest. The warmth of her touch shot straight through him, and he exhaled against her mouth, pressing closer. Mad, so mad for this.
Then, gently, he guided her hands to his shirt buttons.
He wasn’t in any hurry. This wasn’t about taking—this was about letting. Letting her have control, letting her set the pace, letting her know she could stop whenever she wanted.
Leela pulled away just enough to glance down at his shirt, her breath catching.
“Go on then, help me out,” he urged.
That’s when he saw it—the hesitation. The clear-cut hysteria that hadn’t been there last time, numbed to the effects of weed. With her clarity came everything else. Every dread, every old wound, every aching recollection, every scar she carried in places he couldn’t see.
Joel stayed still, barely breathing, watching the way her fingers hovered over the buttons, how they trembled as she carefully popped the first one open. Then the next and next.
She pushed the fabric from his shoulders, her hands mapping him quietly, tracing it all. She touched everything—the pale scars left by unseen blades, the sealed bullet wounds, the old burns, the places where life had carved him up and forced him to heal around the damage. Her dark gaze lingered on the fine scruff dusting his chest, palms gliding lower, following the path where dark hair thinned down his stomach before vanishing beneath his waistband.
She wasn’t just looking. She was memorizing. Good, let her. This was all hers anyway.
“Ruined,” he mumbled.
“Survived,” she corrected.
He slid the sleeves off his arms, balling his shirt up in his hands before tossing it aside. Joel leaned back against the headboard like a king waiting on a feast, his legs spreading slightly, the muscles in his stomach flexing as he breathed. His gaze was heavy-lidded, thick, deep and everything unspoken.
Then, slowly, he stroked a palm over his thigh. “Come sit, darlin’.”
Leela hesitated. He could see it in the way her fingers curled and uncurled on the duvet, like she was feeling her way through the moment. But she followed, just like he knew she would, crawling over until she was straddling him, the seam of her legs spread over his zipper, knees sinking into the mattress on either side of his hips.
Joel felt the warmth of her, the light press of her thighs against him, the way her breath hitched when her hands came to his shoulders, fingers curling lightly over muscle and scar.
“Good girl,” he murmured. “You're just perfect, aren't you?”
She nodded. Then blinked in realization, then shook her head, sighing. “Shut up.”
“Psh. Look at you. I ain't gonna.”
His own hands found her waist, steadying her, tracing slow circles over the fabric of her nightdress. This girl was made to be loved.
Then his fingers slid up, tracing her figure, until he was right over those goddamn pearl buttons.
He wanted to take them apart with his teeth, but that wasn’t the way to do this—not tonight. So he traced the cool surface of each one before carefully slipping them free, one by one, big fingers graceless over the little buttons.
The moment the last one came undone, he leaned forward, his eyes never leaving hers, watching every flicker of emotion cross her face. The anxiety, the confusion... the curiosity way beneath it. Observing him.
And then he sank his teeth into the delicate skin on her sternum.
Leela sucked in a sharp breath, her fingers tightening on his biceps.
Joel groaned against her, dragging his lips over the mark, spreading slow, open-mouthed kisses over the same spot, soothing it, claiming it.
He let the thin sleeves slide off her shoulders, watching the way the fabric slipped down her arms, pooling at her midriff.
Joel exhaled sharply, his grip tightening just a fraction before smoothing over her skin again like he couldn’t quite believe she was real.
Because Christ, how was she real? Where had that lonely, grey fart upstairs been hiding her all this time?
She was all honey-warm skin and soft, dusky curves. Her breasts rose and fell with each uneven breath, her ribs tautening, beneath the subtle dip of her waist. His gaze traced the gentle flare of her hips, the little softness at her love handles, the way her toned stomach tensed as she held herself still, waiting—watching him with those deep, knowing eyes.
“Joel?” she whispered.
“You're...” He blinked twice. “You're so beautiful.”
For a terrible lack of words, he wasn't exactly a fucking poet. He really wanted to tell her that she was the Powerball lottery in his life, that even her smartass brain was sexy, and that when she breathed, he was pretty sure a flower bloomed right under her damn feet.
But she managed a quiet laugh. “Oh-kay.”
And Joel had never believed in God much, but if there was one, he’d have to offer up a damn prayer of thanks. Only took thirty whole years.
He let his hands roam, rough fingertips skating over the curve of her waist, following the soft lines of her body. She was delicate, strong, warm, and hesitant, all at once, and beneath the tension in her shoulders, he could feel the slight tremble in her limbs.
She trusted him with this. With herself.
Joel wasn’t about to fuck that up. So he took his time.
He smoothed his palms over her ribs, feeling the way her bones flexed beneath his touch. His thumbs brushed over her perfect nipples, the peaks stiffening, drawing the softest sound from her throat—a breathy little whimper that damn near destroyed him.
His control hung by a thread as he ducked his head, finally taking her into his mouth.
His lips closed over her, hot and slow, his tongue flicking, tasting, teasing. He lavished her with attention, spreading kisses across the swell of one, then the other, loving them equally, thoroughly.
“Fuckin' don't deserve any of this,” he said through his teeth, clutched on a nipple.
“What are you...” she whispered.
He was surrounded by Leela, arching into him, encouraging his lips where she wanted him, and he didn't spare a thought to her instincts. If she wanted him, she'd have it. Her fingers trembled before they slid into his hair, sweeping back through the silver-streaked strands, holding him there like she was trying to commit the sight of him—eyes half-closed, mouth on her, glorifying her—to memory.
Then, without thinking, Joel bit down—just enough to pull a sound from her throat, her grip on his hair tightening, nails scraping against his scalp.
Didn’t think she’d like that. But she did. Nice.
“Joel,” she whispered.
His smirk was slow, lazy, drawn out against her flushed skin as he let his tongue wander over the reddening mark he’d left before sealing it with a leisurely, possessive suck.
“Shit, baby,” he muttered, voice gone husky. “If this is what you taste like here, can’t imagine what you taste like down there.”
Leela’s breath hitched hard. “Down what…?”
The way she said it—uncertain, like the thought had never fully occurred to her—lit a fire in his gut. Primal, claiming, wanting. Frantic.
She wouldn’t know. Of course, she wouldn’t.
It wasn’t like there had been time for teenage exploration when the world had gone to hell. No fumbling hands in the dark, no stolen kisses at parties, no whispered giggles between sheets. Sex was a free-for-all in QZs obviously, and he sure as hell doubted porn had been a practicality when she’d been at that wonderful age of curiosity.
Which meant this—the way she looked at him, the way her breaths stared back up when he so much as hinted at what he wanted to do—was something else entirely.
Yeah, Joel had never been more careful in his damn life.
“Christ,” he rasped, dragging his hands slowly down her back, fingers tracing the dip of her spine, the delicate lines of her body. "Well, at least a little touch. Lemme feel you.”
“Feel,” she murmured, confused.
He showed her his hand. Then two fingers. Then his thumb. Hoping that was enough for her to get the message across. “Feel.”
She hesitated for only a moment, but then—God help him—she nodded. That was all the permission he needed.
“Let's get this off you,” he muttered. “Wanna see you.”
He eased the night dress up and over her head, watching the fabric pool around her before slipping off completely. Her thick braid slapped softly against her back, and then—there she was.
All herself. Just Leela.
She sat before him in nothing but those little white linen panties, tied into thick knots at her hips—ruffled edges, sweet, soft, so goddamn cute—and his. Yeah, his. All mine.
And then his hands were on her again, slow, reverent, like he had the luxury of time. Because he did. Because this was about her, about her knowing she was safe, knowing she was loved, knowing he'd go wherever she liked him to.
His longest finger wandered closer and closer from her hips, and brushed beneath the edge of her panties, a featherlight bump against that warm, soft groove. Just to let her know.
His jaw clenched, muscles locking as he willed himself to go slow, to savour every second of this, to feel her breathe against his cheek as he did it.
Her eyes flickered up to his, eyes locking. Wide. Waiting. Knowing this wasn't over.
He held her gaze as he pushed further in between her folds, just enough to feel the heat of her, the damp silk of her against his fingertips—aching, perfect, warm.
Her lips parted. A little gasp, barely a sound.
And then her eyes fluttered shut.
He felt it the second she let go, the second she allowed herself to slip into it, to trust what he was doing to her.
His coarse fingers carefully traced, explored, and learned. A decade out of practice, but instincts were instincts. And he knew how to listen—how to really listen. The way her breaths stuttered when he circled just right with the pad of his thumb at the little bud of nerves, the way her body clenched when he curled deeper inside where he needed to. When his fingers worked her low and slow, in loving accuracy, how she completely arched into him, warm walls pressuring around his fingers.
Then, a tiny sound. Soft. Desperate. “Joel, please.”
Fuck. Every person needs to hear that once in their lifetime. Their whole other half just falling apart while clinging to your name.
His stomach tensed, heat surging through him so sudden and hard he had to close his eyes, had to bite down hard on his own restraint before he did something stupid—like buck against her like a goddamn teen and blow a load into his jeans.
Because of the way she moved into his palm, the way her hips found the rhythm like instinct, like something she’d always known but never had the chance to learn—Jesus Christ, his frail heart was going to fail him.
“I know,” he breathed, voice gruff. “I know. Goddamn it, you’re so beautiful. So perfect f'me.”
How unoriginal. Cliché as a bitch. But what the hell else was he supposed to say? Write haikus? Sing praises? He would, if he had any sanity left. She was carved from silent fire and untouchable grace, delicate and untamed, something that had no damn business ending up here, in his ruined hands.
Her fingers dug into his back, ravaged by sensation, nails sinking in, breaking the skin, drawing blood—maybe. Didn’t fucking matter. Even that was sexy. That pain was welcome, something he'd carry with him like a brand, a scar he’d look at in the mirror tomorrow with a lazy smirk and think, yeah, my girl did that.
And then—he felt it. That old familiar twitch against his fingers, the way her body tensed, breath shuddering, forehead dropping against his.
She was close.
And if she was going to come, it wasn’t going to be on his marred hands. No way in hell. He needed to feel her come on him everywhere. Needed it to hit him so deep he felt pinpricks behind his goddamn eyes.
“Baby, hang on. Fuck, honey, gimme a second,” he rasped, voice wrecked, dragging his fingers out from her, savouring the heat, the slick. He popped them into his mouth, groaning low at the taste, the perfection of her. Wasn’t about to waste a single drop.
Leela only watched him, unusual, confused. “So strange.”
He wiped his mouth. “Unreal, baby. Taste so good.”
Then, shifting back against the headboard, he pulled her closer onto his lap. His hands slid up her thighs, thumbs stroking slow circles, coaxing, calming.
He nodded at his pants. “Wanna help me out of this?”
She nodded, still flushed, and reached down. Soft, slender, long hands worked the button loose, nudged the zipper down, knuckles grazing his stomach, fingers tracing down the happy trail, lower, lower—
She sucked in a breath when she laid eyes on the good stuff that sprang free.
He saw the flicker in her eyes, and he prayed to whatever was looking over him that he was in all right proportions, that he was to her liking, that he was good enough for her. But the way she seemed to assess, hesitating... Curiosity? Oh, good—anything other than disgust.
Then she glanced up at him, brow pinched. “You’re not wearing...”
He blinked, momentarily lost in his own haze, until he realized. Oh, for fuck’s sake.
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah. God bless America.”
The laugh that burst out of her was sudden, real, pure, like she hadn't expected it. She did a double-take, covering her mouth, her shoulders shaking.
“Omigod, Joel. You’ve been walking around without underwear this whole time?”
He smirked, gathering her back into his arms, hands already working at the ties of her little knotted panties. “Alright, get your judgy ass over here.”
Two tugs, and they were gone, joining the mess of discarded clothes on the floor. He gave her tight behind a nice squeeze. “Y'know, you've got the perkiest butt I've ever seen. All that lifting and stretching—you drive me crazy with those teeny little shorts.”
She twisted his ear playfully. “So that's why you're always messing up with the tools.”
“Oh, yeah. Prettiest pussy, too,” he whispered, winking.
“Joel!” she hissed.
And then—finally—she was straddling his lap, stripped, all soft thighs and tough calves, muscles flexing as she adjusted, aligned over him, and found her balance, fingers curled into the headboard for support.
A little smile tugged at her lips. And it killed him. “Hi.”
“Hi, honey,” he murmured.
She was stunning—lean, strong, effortless. A goddamn supermodel. That hair, those muscles, those striking eyes, she had him by the balls and he wasn't complaining.
He held her hips, warm, smooth skin beneath his rough palms, a thumb tracing the soft, wet seam at her legs. He pushed a testing finger in, and she shivered.
“You ready for me?” he murmured.
She exhaled softly, before her hand came down, sliding into his hair, down his ear, his cheek—thumb brushing over his lips like she was memorizing him like he was something sacred.
And then, so quiet, so sure—“I want to feel all of you.”
Jesus fucking Christ. Not fair. Not fucking fair. That should’ve given him a second, a moment to react, to curse, to do something—
But then she moved. And finally, finally, she took him inside her. Right where he’d been aching for her.
Heat. Tight. Unreal.
“Fuuuck.” A deep groan ripped out of his chest as she plunged down onto him, enveloping him in pressure so impossibly hot, impossibly incredible, that his head kicked back against the headboard.
Strain. Resistance. So much love.
Her body rebelled, not used to this stretch, this fullness, and when a sharp, quiet cry slipped from her, she buried it against his cheek. “Please.”
His breath stilled. Instinct flared hot in his veins—not desire, but protection, care, a tethered restraint that warred with the desperate need to move, to feel her completely.
His arms circled around her, strong. His lips found the edge of her eye, feeling the trail of tears, murmuring against her skin, “I'm right here, baby. You're doin’ so good. Take me so well.”
“It hurts,” she cried out sharply.
“I know, sweetheart, I know. You want to take a breath for me?”
And she did. A nice, long, deep one into his neck. The hot air ghosted around his nape. Then two more, until it felt like her breaths were finally stuttering back into her.
He kissed her eye. “That's a good girl. You got this. Eyes on me.”
She nodded shakily, holding his gaze.
“Only me, alright?”
He tightened his hold on her hips, not to force, not to move—just to be there, to keep her close as he raised up, his back protesting with a pricking ache, meeting her halfway, easing her down inch by inch, a motion as old as time, gentle, ready, his.
“Feel like a dream, darlin’,” he whispered against her skin, voice barely holding together.
A shiver. A squeeze around him, tight and sweet, like a pulse, a welcome. This was his home.
And he felt it—this wasn’t just physical, wasn’t just something done to her, wasn’t something she was just letting happen.
She wanted every inch of him. And Joel was going to move fucking mountains to give it to her.
Joel moved with her, for her, matching the slow, hesitant rhythm she set. Each slide into her was deep, measured—he wasn’t chasing anything except her, wasn’t losing himself in the feeling of her wrapped around him, not yet. No, this was about letting her take what she needed. About making sure she knew, in her bones, that this was hers. He was hers.
“Joel, is this okay?” she panted.
He looked up at her and sighed from numb lips, “Baby, how the hell are you real?”
Because Jesus, if she wasn’t the sexiest goddamn thing he’d ever seen—the way her brows pinched, the way her pretty mouth parted, the way her breath hitched when he hit that spot.
The way her body crashed above him, her hands clung to the headboard, his shoulders, nails gripping, grounding—she was giving him everything without even realizing it. A little gasp left her lips each time he lifted his hips, rocking against hers, pushing her just a little bit further, testing the limits of what she could take.
His fingers smoothed down her spine, following the curve of her back, his lips finding her throat, the little hollow just beneath her ear.
“That's my good girl,” he encouraged, voice rough, rasping into her ear. “Feels nice, don’t it? Feels real nice.”
She shuddered, a little whimper catching at the back of her throat. Her thighs tensed around him, gripping tight around his neck, but her movements faltered. A stutter. A hesitation.
Joel slowed. Just enough to feel her, to see her, to be sure.
And that’s when he knew. That she wasn’t quite there. No matter how wet she was, how ready and tight she was around him, something in her body held back.
But it wasn’t fear or pain or shyness or any of that bullshit. It was just unfamiliar. A wariness just under her skin, something holding her back, keeping her from letting go.
And Joel understood.
His gut tightened, hurt pulling at his chest, but this—this wasn’t just about fucking. It wasn’t just about getting her to some peak, some finish line, some goal he had to chase.
It was about unlearning. It was being with her. It was about replacing whatever fucked-up pain in her, whatever taking had come before, with something soft, small and theirs.
And if she didn’t come or if she didn’t even know what that felt like—hell, that didn’t change a goddamn thing. Didn’t change the way he was making love to her, how much he loved her, loved feeling her move on top of him, for him.
It also didn’t change the fact that he was already hanging by a thread, already wound too tight, already gritting his teeth to keep himself from losing it, because she felt too good, too right, like she was made to be wrapped around him, to take him this deep.
He wasn't going to last very long, he was pushing his limit here, his prime of life was to blame for that. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to hold onto the moment, hold onto her—but it was too much, too perfect, too fucking good.
His hands flexed at her hips, gripping, steadying her, his own control unravelling fast.
“Jesus—Leela, I'm—!”
“Joel?” she called, concerned almost.
He wanted to wait as long as he could. Wanted to hold off, wanted to take her there with him, to let her feel all of it, but this old fucking desperate body—
But then she moved, sinking down, rolling her hips against him in just the right way, and he broke.
“Oh, shit!”
A deep, guttural sound tore from his throat, his arms snapping tight around her waist, pulling her flush against him as he spilled deep inside her, every muscle in his body seizing up. His forehead dropped to her shoulder, breath ragged, fingers flexing against her slick skin.
He stayed like that for a moment, ears ringing, buried in her, completely wrung out, slumping into her, breathing her in, feeling her heartbeat pound against his own. Oh, but he was currently in orbit, in fucking space.
And then—when his thoughts returned back to planet Earth, back to Jackson, back to this home, when the haze started to clear—he pulled back, just enough to see her.
She looked… confused. Like she'd gone wrong somewhere. Lips parted, eyes hazy, looking between them, like she was waiting for something, like she wasn’t sure if this was it.
She blinked. “I...”
Joel watched her, studied the soft rise and fall of her chest, the way her body still trembled around him, the way her fingers curled gently against his throat.
She didn’t know, of course. Didn’t realize. That she hadn’t come.
And he didn’t feel bad about it—not in the way a man might, not in the way that turned it into some failure, something to gnaw on, to carry like a weight. Shit, she'd gone as far as to relive this for him.
But still—he wanted to give that to her. Wanted her to feel it, to know what it meant to be shattered and held together all at once.
“One more try, okay?” he rasped, barely breathing it into her skin. He kissed her shoulder, collar and throat. “Gimme one more. You can do it. Just hold onto me.”
A small smile came alive on her lips. “Okay.”
Joel bore down again, gripping her hips tighter, pulling her closer, pushing deeper—trying this time, rather than feeling.
His breath came wild, strained, body shaking with the force of it, sweat splashing lazily onto her breasts, in the effort of making her feel it. His heart was hammering, his arms flexing, his thighs burning as he surged up into her, chasing that high for her, something he needed to give her.
And still—still—Leela just watched him. Soft, quiet, moving with him, letting him take her, feeling his strength beneath her, stroking his cheek, his hair, her fingertips whisper-light against his damp skin.
No gasping desperation, no frantic, uncontrolled unravelling. Just… this.
And Joel—fuck—he didn’t know what to do with that. She wasn’t pretending. Would be nice if she did. She wouldn’t know how to fake it, would she? Wouldn’t know the right way to move, the right way to sound, the right way to let a man know he was making her come undone and get this over with.
And the realization punched him in the gut. Blindsided him completely.
It wasn't about to happen. He'd just have to let go.
But Joel couldn’t stop. Not now, not when he was this close. When he was teetering on the fucking edge. When his body was demanding release with an intensity he hadn’t felt in years.
“I'm sorry,” he murmured, shaking his head. “Sorry, I can't. I can't.”
“Joel, it's okay, it's okay,” she coaxed.
So he held her down, his grip firm, desperate. Feeling so fucking selfish as he pushed and pushed harder. Broke a sweat. Gave it everything he had left in him, one last time—until his muscles locked, until heat ripped through him once more, until he spilled deep inside her again with another ragged, shuddering groan.
And Leela—sweet, accepting Leela—just cradled him through it. Breathed against his cheek, kissed his ear, smoothed her hands over his hair, and ran her fingers along the tense lines of his back, comforting him.
Because Joel had never felt more fucking helpless in his life. He buried his face in her neck, his arms locking tight around her, his body wracked with aftershocks, his chest rising and falling hard against hers.
“Joel,” she said, a softness behind his name.
His throat was tight. He swallowed. “You have to—you haven't—”
“I feel really good,” she whispered. “Really good.”
Joel breathed in deep, exhaled slow. She meant it. She felt good. It wasn’t some half-truth, some lie to spare his feelings. Leela didn’t lie to him—she didn’t know how to, not in a way that mattered.
So he let it go. Let himself believe her. However difficult and excruciating it was.
“Do you wanna lie down?” he murmured, brushing the backs of his fingers over her jaw. “Lemme clean up and hurry back to you, alright?”
She nodded, watching as he rolled out of bed, buckled up his pants, and stretched his sore back with a quiet grunt. That pleasant ache in his muscles, he could get used to this. He ran a hand through his sweat-damp hair, then disappeared into the bathroom.
The second he flicked on the light, he set both hands over the sink, bracing himself. His reflection stared back at him, every line on his face a little deeper, slick with sweat, his greying scruff a little rougher, hair a Leela-made mess. His body was still running hot, his ears still rung, still a little shaky in the aftermath.
But under all that? Confusion. Loathing. Every i had been dotted, every t crossed. So what the hell went wrong?
His fingers turned the tap on, ran cool water over his palms. He splashed some onto his face and neck and chest, let it dribble down to his throat, rinsed his mouth and took another breath.
“You goddamn dud,” he muttered to himself.
Maybe it was him. All those years of nothing. Years of his body belonging to no one but himself. Years of only touching for a release. A ferocious protector, sure, but it made him an incapable lover. He never knew a damn thing about the female body, how to work it, how to please her. Should've let her come on his hand when he had the chance. Stupid, greedy asshole.
With a final splash of water to his face, he scrubbed a wet hand through his hair and stepped back into the bedroom. Time to face the music.
Leela had already slipped her nightdress back on, the straps falling just slightly off her shoulder, her hair combed back a little neater. She was curled up against the pillows, drowsy, waiting for him.
Joel didn’t hesitate to slide into bed beside her, sinking into the warmth of her body like he belonged there. Like they’d been doing this forever.
She nestled in closer automatically, her breath soft against his cheek. His fingers trailed down her face with a slow, lazy kind of affection, committing the shape of her in this light to memory..
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured.
She smiled sleepily, amusement tugging at the corner of her lips. “You said that a lot.”
“Mean it every time,” he said, voice rough. “You’re my dreamgirl.”
She huffed a quiet laugh, low and teasing, but her fingers curled into his chest, holding onto him like she didn’t quite believe it.
“So I’m supposed to come, is that it?” she mused, drawing out the words.
Joel had spent most of his life keeping things simple. Straightforward. No fuss, no questions, no goddamn talking about it.
He let out a long, suffering sigh, pressing his forehead to hers. Jesus, he could just roll over and fix this. He would—happily. But for once, he didn’t want to rush, didn’t want to miss the quiet, golden stretch of time between basking in the afterglow and sleep.
“It amazes me that you don’t know that,” he muttered.
She shrugged, unbothered. “I did feel nice.”
He shook his head. “I'm sorry, I couldn't give it to you.”
Her eyes softened. She turned her face into his hand, pressing a deep, lingering kiss into his palm. He swallowed around it, around the way it made him feel—too big, too much, too good.
“Don't be. I had a lot of fun,” she admitted.
Fun. Sex had never been fun. Not for him, Not in his whole goddamn lifetime. It had been a release, a need, a way to forget or feel an ounce of freedom. But fun? Especially from someone who'd been through hell on this?
He looked at her like she’d just rewritten the entire world in front of him.
“I could get used to this with you. Just... slowly.”
His brain short-circuited. “Used to this with me?”
She nodded, pushing half her face shyly into the pillow, a single, shining brown eye peering up at him.
Jesus Christ. He really was about a pop a vein in his forehead. “Right back at you,” he managed.
Then she lifted onto her elbow, hovering over him, her fingers trailing slow, aimless patterns over the fuzz on his chest. Her touch wasn’t meant to start something—to tease or demand. It was just her, touching him because she wanted to. Because she could.
“Don’t look at me like that, darlin’,” he grumbled, already feeling the heat creep back into his body. “I can barely see straight anymore. There’s three of you in front of me.”
She grinned, leaning in so close her lips almost brushed his. “It’s usually the one in the middle.”
He let out a hoarse laugh, shaking his head. “I ain’t one of your damn machines either. If I am, well—I need big repairs. Gotta oil my gears, tighten some screws.”
She kissed his cheek with a soft giggle, once, twice—then a third time to his lips, slow and sweet. A silent promise. A quiet goodnight.
“I’ll take twenty years off you in no time,” she murmured, nuzzling her nose against his. “You’ll be living till you’re a hundred. Goodnight, Joel.”
She nestled back into the cold pillows, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, guiding him close until his face was tucked between her neck and the soft swell of her chest.
Joel breathed out, letting himself sink into her. His arms slung over her waist, pulling her close until there was nothing between them, his leg tangling with hers.
“Till I’m a hundred, my ass,” he muttered, already halfway asleep. “You keep ridin’ me like that, I’m kickin’ rocks at sixty.”
She gasped, appalled. “Joel!”
He grinned against her skin, pressing a kiss to her throat. “G'night.”
Joel felt that night in his bones for three days straight.
The delicious ache, the lingering burn, the way his body still hummed like it was catching up to itself—he felt every damn bit of it. Like walking about with a brand on his chest, her name in big, fat capitals, burned into his skin that wasn't ever going to fade. If he let his mind wander, he swore he could still feel the imprint of her nails on his shoulders, the scratch of her breathy moans against his throat.
It had been a long, long time since he'd felt this kind of soreness, since he'd let himself have anything that good. And now that he had—Christ, it was all he could think about.
Sure, his stamina wasn’t what it used to be. He wasn’t some young buck anymore, wasn’t out here trying to prove anything. That kind of energy belonged to a different lifetime. A life where survival meant running, fighting, bleeding, and losing.
But now?
Now, his life was slow. Lazy. Boring. And fuck, if it wasn’t the best goddamn thing in the world.
Every morning, he woke up in what he could only rightfully call the bed to end all beds—wrapped up in a too-soft duvet, which made it near impossible to leave. Sheets tangled around his legs, pillows propped just right. But the best part?
Leela. His girl. Partner. Whatever the fuck. Just call her his.
Sleeping right beside him, fingers still loosely twisted around his from sometime in the night.
He wasn’t a man prone to sentiment. But every single morning, without fail, he’d lie there for a minute, blinking slowly at the ceiling, feeling her warmth beside him, and he’d think: what the hell evil did I destroy to deserve this?
Because he didn’t deserve this. He didn’t deserve to wake up slow, wrapped in her warmth. Didn’t deserve the way she just let him have this—her body, her trust, her time. But she gave it anyway.
And if he was weak, if he was pathetic, well—he wasn’t strong enough to just lie there and not touch her.
So he’d roll onto his side, push his face into her shoulder, into her hair, breathe her in, feel the strength of her long legs beneath his palms. Because, deep down, some stupid, aching part of him needed to make sure she was still real. That she hadn’t just vanished into steam.
“Mornin’,” he’d murmur, voice gravelly with sleep, lips brushing over the soft skin of her neck.
And she’d hum, still mostly asleep, shifting closer without thinking, tucking herself against him like she knew. Like she knew she was his, and he was hers, and they had time—all the time in the world to wake up slow and warm in each other’s arms.
Joel didn’t know how to handle that. Didn’t know what the hell to do with the way it made him feel, all thick and too much in his chest.
So he did what he did know how to do. He kissed her. Once. Twice. Again. And again.
Unhurried and soft, against her shoulder, her arm, her cheek, wherever he could. Until she grumbled, barely audible, something along the lines of Joel, let me sleep, swatting at him half-heartedly.
He never listened. Not when he had her like this. Not when she was somewhat awake, turning over onto her back, peeking up at him with those bleary, half-lidded eyes.
“Last one before I get your coffee,” he’d lie, pressing a slow, lingering kiss behind her ear.
And it was never just one. Soon enough, Joel would drag himself up, forcing himself to leave the warmth of their bed, of her, if only for one thing.
His next favourite part of the morning.
His little girl. Maya.
The second Joel stepped into the nursery, flicking on the dim light, the world felt right. Scented in warm linens and baby powder, as the soft morning glow bled through the curtains, it painted everything in muted greens and pink.
And there she was. His baby girl curled in her little nest of blankets, fists rubbing at her groggy eyes, her dark curls sticking out every which way like she’d been fighting sleep all night.
Then she saw him. And the second she did—
Joel barely had time to brace before she shot straight up, balancing on the tips of her toes against the crib bars, hands clapping, a little bouncing bean of excitement.
And that damn sweetheart grin. All toothy and wide, like she’d been waiting her whole life to see him again. It got him every time, that overwhelming sense of sweet defeat. He'd take a knife in the heart for her.
He let out a breathy chuckle, shaking his head at her, at the way her tiny face was all lit up with him simply showing up.
“There’s my baby girl,” he rumbled, stepping forward, and scooping her up into his arms in one smooth motion, raining kisses on her cheeks.
Maya let out a squealing little giggle, tiny hands immediately going for his face, his beard, her favourite thing to grab early in the morning. She clutched two greedy handfuls, tugging at the scruff like it was hers.
He brushed a hand down her curls. “Did you sleep well?”
“Sleeeepy,” she said around her fist.
She babbled against his shoulder—nonsense, tiny sounds he swore had some kind of meaning only she knew—her chubby little arms tightening around his neck in a hug that damn near melted him.
Then—of course—she went right back to attacking his beard, tugging with all her tiny might.
Joel winced, letting out a mock grumble, “Yeah, alright. You just want Daddy for the whiskers, huh?”
Maya let out a high-pitched giggle, and he felt her breath, warm against his neck, little fingers wandering up to pat his cheeks.
Joel, of course, pretended to eat her fingers instead, lips smacking, making exaggerated chomping sounds. Maya screeched, all wiggly and squirming, kicking in his arms with laughter so wild and free, it made his whole day before it even started.
He sighed, pressing his nose against her cheek, breathing her in. Baby powder. Warmth. His baby girl.
“Alright, trouble. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He carried her over to the little bathroom by the nursery, got her washed up, and changed into one of the tiny little sweaters that had once belonged to her mama. Maya, of course, made it an ordeal—wiggling, talking to him, playing with her own toes.
Joel took his time. Didn’t rush a damn thing.
A normal, mundane morning—waking up next to the woman he loved, starting the day with his baby girl. That was his whole rhythm now.
Some days their mornings went quick—too quick for his liking. Early in the morning, shovelling down his breakfast alone, yelling goodbye to his girls, and heading out for patrol, only to spend every second waiting until he could get back to them. Waiting for that first breath of home, that happy squeal he would hear from Maya ten yards out, that first kiss again.
The house was still half-asleep when Joel clattered his plate into the sink. Maya let out a soft whimper from her mother's arms, travelling across the kitchen, getting his attention first, and Leela—half-awake, hair mussed, sweater slipping off one shoulder—murmured, “You’re being loud.”
Joel grabbed his jacket off the chair, shoving an arm through one sleeve. “Ain’t got time to be quiet. Tommy's gonna blow a fuse.”
Leela huffed, rubbing a hand over her face. “You ever think about waking up ten minutes earlier?”
Joel snorted, already at the door. “You ever think about wakin’ up with me?”
That earned him a half-hearted glare over her shoulder. “I'm a night owl. I need the dark to think.”
Maya stirred, a tiny, bleary-eyed thing, her hands stretching toward him. Joel hesitated, foot already over the threshold.
Leela, catching the way his shoulders pulled tight, sighed. “Go, Joel.”
“Don't work yourself too hard while I'm gone,” he warned.
Leela just hummed in accord, adjusting Maya against her shoulder.
Joel hesitated. Then, before he could think twice, he ducked back in, pressing a long, deep kiss to her lips, holding her chin tight between his palm, just until he fought for breath.
She startled when he pulled away, blinking up at him. Then playfully shoved at his chest to get him out the door. “Go already.”
But some days—the best days—mornings were slow. Breakfast on the island or out on the porch, the intense scent of coffee thick in the cold air, his hand curled around the mug that curled out steaming ribbons into his face, while Leela sat beside him, legs tucked up under herself, grinning at him over the rim of her cup.
Joel tipped his mug toward his lips, letting the heat of the coffee melt into him. Watching her.
She tilted her head, nudging his thigh with her knee. “Are you always this quiet in the mornings? I never noticed.”
Joel glanced at her. “Ain’t got much to say with you around.”
She raised a brow, taking a small sip of her own coffee. “That so?”
Joel smirked, sipping slowly. “Just like listenin’ to you talk.”
Leela scoffed. “That’s funny. ‘Cause last time I checked, you like cutting me off halfway.”
Joel pursed his lips, considering. “Only when you’re talkin’ nonsense. Y'know, your little nerdspeak thing you do.”
Her mouth parted in excessive offence. “Oh, so my technicalities are nonsense?”
Joel blew into his coffee cup. “Mm.”
She gave him a slow, evaluating look, then nudged him hard enough that coffee nearly sloshed over the rim of his cup.
“Goddammit, girl.” He shot her a glare, but it was ruined by the way his lips were twitching.
The mornings when snow blanketed the whole town, and he’d bundle Maya up like a little marshmallow, watching her waddle out into the white, her excitement vibrating through every inch of her tiny body. He’d stand there on the porch, arms crossed, watching her vigilantly as she threw herself into the snow, chubby hands slapping the ground, kicking her little legs while Leela laughed beside him.
Sometimes, mornings like this used to feel like a chore. Errands. Town. A list scrawled on his palm, running through daily tasks that he used to do alone—back when it had just been him and Sarah, back when Saturday mornings meant grocery runs, when her tiny hands would have been in his, tugging him toward whatever caught her eye.
Now, it was Maya, and she was a whole different kind of trouble.
Leela had gone off to meet Maria at the dam—something about some loose wiring, an issue that she was insisting she could fix, even though Joel had very strong feelings about her doing anything that required standing near running water with electrical tools. But that left him here, alone with Maya, tackling grocery shopping.
Joel let her wander, let her explore at her own level, tiny squeaky boots padding against the wooden floorboards of the trading post, soft little oohs and ahs slipping from her lips whenever she spotted something that intrigued her. He kept one eye on the list, the other on her, reaching out every so often to keep her from knocking into someone’s knees or tugging on a coat that didn’t belong to her.
But the second she drifted too far—too quick, too small, lost too easy in the crowd—he was on her.
A sigh deep in his chest, scooping her up, tucking her under his arm while she squealed and huffed, little hands batting at him in protest. Little gremlin.
“Don't gimme that, baby girl,” he muttered, setting her down just long enough to grab the last thing on his list.
Potatoes. Should’ve been easy. Joel let go of her hand for two damn seconds to grab the bag from the shelf—and when he turned back, she was gone.
His stomach dropped.
“Christ, not again,” he muttered under his breath, shifting his basket to his hip. “Maya?”
No answer. Just the quiet squeak of her boots, quick little steps padding away.
Joel pushed past people, scanning, breath already working too hard through his nose. It wasn’t panic—not exactly—but it was something close. He had to remind himself that she wasn't made of glass and this was Jackson, yet that was still his baby.
His eyes locked on her in an instant. “Fast fuckin' menace,” he muttered.
She was standing a few feet away, tiny and oblivious, playing with the tab of a can of beans, flicking it up and down with rapt fascination. Didn't even bother looking at him.
Someone was crouched in front of her, blocking her from view. “Where’s your mother, sweetheart?”
Joel already knew who it was before he even reached them.
“Eugene,” he called.
The man glanced up at him, eyes narrowing for a beat before recognition settled in, mouth stretching into a knowing grin. “Miller.” He stood with a grunt, rolling out his shoulders. “Hey, help me out here. This kid’s parent—”
“Is me,” Joel muttered, already reaching for Maya, plucking her up onto his hip like she belonged nowhere else. “C'mere, trouble,” and a firm kiss to the top of her head, his fingers pressing into her tiny back.
“You?” Eugene questioned, thrown off balance.
What, had he been living under a rock? Maya had been the talk of the town since she'd been born. Who speaking off, squealed, giggling, smacking a hand against his cheek—some little game she’d apparently decided was hilarious.
“Me,” Joel confirmed, levelling Eugene with a look. “We got a problem?”
Eugene made a low sound in his throat, eyes flicking between them, like he was sizing up a damn prize mule. Then his mouth curled up once more.
“Oh yeah, I see it,” he said, nodding. “She’s got your big-ass nose.”
“Fuck off.”
“Calmeth thy tits,” Eugene grinned, “I’m tryna be polite.”
“Don’t need it.”
Eugene raised his hands in mock surrender, chuckling under his breath. “So this is why you’ve been copping out of patrol a lot lately. Got Tommy's panties in a twist.”
He nodded toward Maya, who had now taken to tugging on Joel’s beard, testing its durability like she had every right in the world to grab at her old man’s face.
Joel sighed, prying her fingers free one by one. “Yeah,” he admitted quietly. “Guess it is.”
“Yeah, by the looks of it, she's a handful. Cute as shit, though.”
And Eugene—he just stood there a second. Looking at Joel, smelling strongly of weed, basket in his grip, a box of food from the canteen and a bottle of whiskey sitting inside.
Joel saw it then. The difference between them. An old ghost of himself.
Eugene—the kind of man he might’ve been had it not been his instinct to quiet a baby's cries from next door. A year ago, maybe even less, he would’ve been the one with the bottle of whiskey in his cart, the one picking up meals from the canteen instead of making them. The one going home alone.
Eugene exhaled through his nose, shaking his head. “Huh,” he muttered. Then, a nod, a flash of grudging pride behind his eyes. “You came through. Good for you, Miller.”
Joel didn’t have the words for it. Didn’t know how to put into words what this was, what it felt like to have this, to have them—after years of nothing.
So he just cleared his throat and adjusted Maya in his arms. Eugene just chuckled, slapping a hand on his shoulder before stepping past him, humming under his breath.
Eugene didn’t walk off right away.
Joel could feel him there—still standing at his side, still weighing the words on his tongue. It set his teeth on edge, the way Eugene hesitated. Like he was debating whether to say what was already burning behind his lips.
Then, finally—
“You wanna tell me why Ellie and Dina are so interested in the Fireflies all of a sudden?”
Joel went winded. The Maya's little weight in his arms was suddenly the only thing keeping him upright, keeping him tethered. He barely blinked. Barely breathed.
His voice bit out dangerously low. “The hell are you talkin’ about?”
Eugene tightened the basket in his grip. Shrugged, like it wasn’t a big deal. But his eyes were sharp when they cut to Joel, measuring.
“She’s been askin’ these ex-Firefly folks like me and Tommy,” he told him. “Came to me couple nights back—askin’ if I knew anything. If I’d heard anything about ‘em regrouping.”
Joel swallowed, throat dry as dust.
His grip on Maya didn’t tighten—he made sure of that. Kept his hands gentle, careful, even as the rest of him braced. But inside—inside, he clenched up like a fist.
Ellie. Asking about the Fireflies.
It wasn’t panic curling up his spine. Worse.
Because she’d known. She’d gone back to that hospital. She’d walked through the bloodstains, the echoes of gunfire, the remnants of what he’d done. She’d seen the truth laid bare, stripped of all the justifications he’d tried to wrap around it. And she’d spent months—years—dragging herself through the wreckage, trying to make sense of it.
Trying to make peace with him.
He’d watched her try. Seen it in the way she forced herself to stay, even when the silence stretched too long between them. In the way she looked at him sometimes, like she was still searching for something, still waiting for an answer he could never give. He thought—he hoped—that with time, she’d let it rest. That the scars would settle, and they could leave that part of their lives buried where it belonged.
But now—now they were here again.
And Joel didn’t know if they could come back from it this time.
The walls of the room felt like they were creeping in closer, like if he stood still too long, he’d get swallowed whole, but Joel forced his breath steady. In. Out. In. Out. Kept his shoulders loose even as something behind his ribs coiled tight, wound like a spring.
“And?” He made his voice even, ironing out the edges. “You tell her anythin’?”
Eugene huffed, shaking his head. “Nothin’ worth tellin’. Just old stories, y’know? Old bases, old rumours, old movement. And about that research base over at Caltech. I don’t know what she’s lookin’ for, but maybe keep an eye out for your other little girl, too, yeah?”
Joel stared at nothing. His heart pounded heavy, like a fist banging against a locked door. Ellie had stopped asking a long time ago. Or at least, he’d thought she had. Maybe she’d just stopped asking him.
But why now? After all this time?
Not unless—
His mind snagged on the past few weeks. The time Ellie had been spending across the way. The quiet conversations, the way she lingered at their porch, shifting her weight like she was waiting on something. He hadn’t thought much of it at first. Leela kept to herself, and Ellie wasn’t exactly a social butterfly. Two closed-off people drifting toward each other, not expecting much in return.
But that wasn’t it.
Ellie was digging.
And Leela had handed her the shovel.
Of course she had.
Joel’s stomach twisted, that sourness settling deep. He should’ve seen it sooner. Should’ve recognized the signs.
Leela—the girl with something ripped from her before she ever had the chance to claim it. A name that couldn’t be rooted in history. A life that had been rewritten for her before she could write it herself.
Ellie had always been drawn to ghosts. The lost, the forgotten, the ones who didn’t get a choice. She saw herself in them. Clung to them. And Leela—she was another reflection in the glass.
Another kid who could’ve been something more.
Another wasted potential.
Another shot at redemption.
Joel clenched his teeth. He should’ve seen this coming. Should’ve stopped it before it got this far. Because this wasn’t just curiosity—not for Ellie. It never was. She was always looking for meaning in the wreckage. Always chasing the answers that would rip her open in the end.
And now she was looking again.
For the Fireflies. For Leela. For something she thought she’d lost. For something Joel had taken from her. Taken from them.
His chest tightened, breath coming sharp through his nose. He hadn’t just lied to Ellie all those years ago. He’d tried to close the door. To bury it, deep enough that she’d never claw it back to the surface. But maybe that was never the way it was going to go. Maybe it had just been a matter of time.
Eugene must’ve caught something in his expression, because he turned fully then, brows knitting together.
“You alright, Miller?”
Joel blinked. Swallowed. Got a hold of himself
“Yeah.” His voice was rough, scraped raw. “M’fine.”
Eugene didn’t look convinced. “You take care now.”
And maybe—for the first time in a long time—Joel wasn’t either.
But Eugene didn’t push. Just cleared his throat, nodded once, winked at Maya, and finally stepped away, boots heavy against the floorboards.
Joel stood there a second longer, the world shifting around him. It was a feeling he despised. The sensation of something slipping just beyond his grasp.
Then he looked down at Maya, small and soft in his arms, her tiny hand curled into the fabric of his coat, trusting. “Da-da, go. Go.”
The only part of his world that still made sense. He focused on that. On her warmth.
He pressed a kiss to her temple, breathing her in. “Yeah, baby. Let's go.”
Then turned, stepping toward the door, already knowing—
He needed to find Ellie. Now.
{ taglist 🫶: @darknight3904 , @guiltyasdave , @letsgobarbs , @helskemes , @jodiswiftle , @tinawantstobeadoll , @bergamote-catsandbooks , @cheekychaos28 , @randofantfic , @justagalwhowrites , @emerald-evans , @amyispxnk , @corazondebeskar-reads , @wildemaven , @tuquoquebrute , @elli3williams , @bluemusickid , @bumblepony , @legoemma , @chantelle-mh , @heartlessvirgo , @possiblyafangirl , @pedropascalsbbg , @oolongreads -> @kaseynsfws , @prose-before-hoes , @kateg88 , @laliceee , @escaping-reality8 , @mystickittytaco , @penvisions , @elliaze , @eviispunk , @lola-lola-lola , @peepawispunk , @sarahhxx03 , @julielightwood , @o-sacra-virgo-laudes-tibi , @arten1234 , @jhiddles03 , @everinlove , @nobodycanknoww , @ashleyfilm , @rainbowcosmicchaos , @i-howl-like-a-wolf-at-the-moon , @orcasoul , @nunya7394 , @noisynightmarepoetry , @picketniffler , @ameagrice , @mojaveghst , @dinomecanico , @guelyury , @staytrueblue , @queenb-42069 , @suzysface , @btskzfav , @ali-in-w0nderland , @ashhlsstuff , @devotedlypaleluminary , @sagexsenorita , @serenadingtigers , @yourgirlcin , @henrywintersgun , @jadagirl15 , @misshoneypaper , @lunnaisjustvibing , @enchantingchildkitten , @senhoritamayblog , @isla-finke-blog , @millercontracting , @tinawantstobeadoll , @funerals-with-cake , @txlady37 , @inasunlitroom , @clya4 , @callmebyyournick-name , @axshadows , @littlemissoblivious } - thank you!! awwwww we're like a little family <3
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siolixz · 2 days ago
'*•.¸♡ FATHER FIGURE ♡¸.•*'
Being Lucy's sister came with a lot of perks: good food, nice places to stay at- a rich handsome multimillionaire falling madly in love with you. Did I mention the rich handsome multimillioanire?
pairing: harry castillo x reader (Lucy's sister)
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
context: just fluff and romcom scenarios, older man x younger woman, everyone is over 18 and fully consenting; words: 3k I hope you will enjoy and pls tell me if you like it or tell me if you don't- I will probably write a part 2 with smut if it is well received. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡ I will probably write the smut anyways tho loll Yes i have put a George Michael song name as the title put me in jail or whatever. Also I have no idea if his name is Randy or Harry so oh well, who cares hes so sexy.
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It was a beautiful day in New York that welcomed you right back here in this city, looking across the cafe for your Lucy. 
You slept in today, after a long plane ride and a longer ride to your sister's apartment you had to get your rest for the days ahead- and for the wedding. Because of spring break and because she received a plus one invitation to one of her glorious matchmaking results- her ninth to be more precise, you just had to join her in New York for the week ahead. You didn’t have anything else better to do, plus, you missed her. 
She smiled at your sleepy face as you sat down in front of her.
As the coffee arrived you finally had some time to catch up on life, on your school and on her job. More importantly, how could John ever break up with her? She’s successful, she's beautiful and she’s brilliant. You told her that you were hoping she could finally get a guy who actually deserves her.
“I hope your wedding will be the tenth-” you started.
“Maybe it will be yours princess, did you think of that?” She smirked at you, clearly enjoying the banter you two were so used to having. 
“So that’s why you called me here- to set me up with someone?” you leaned across the table “Because I’m taking the first plane back to college if that's the case.”  There’s nothing more embarrassing than your own sister setting you up, I mean you could get a date if you tried but the boys back at school are, lacking.. certain qualities you were hoping for in a man.
She laughed at your expression, knowing you were being sarcastic and joking but also not really.  You could hardly hear each other anymore as more people came into the cafe.
She grabbed the hand you had on the table as she said: “You’ve grown so much- I’m so happy you're here with me.”
All day long you walked across New York City, first it was dress shopping- you probably tried on like 10 dresses before picking a gorgeous green floor length dress and your sister a blue dress. She covered everything like the great older sister she is and on you went towards Sephora to get everything you might need or just plain wanted- perks of having an older sister with money- and then it was take out time back home; feet sore and exhausted. You loved and hated being in this city, but you could clearly see why Lucy wanted to live here. So many people, so many stories to tell. You two took a nap and then by late afternoon you were out again for dinner with some of her friends and then for a walk in central park. 
“You know, I think tomorrow is going to be really special.” she linked your arms together as you passed people. 
“Really?” you turned the upper part of your body towards your sister as you walked. “In what way may I ask?”
“Like in a good way; maybe you’ll meet someone.” she whispered the last part “Or maybe in a bad way.” She turned away from you like she was thinking.  “Last time we were at a wedding together, you were very little- remember you got that stomach bug-”
“Ugh don’t remind me Lucy” you grimaced at her macabre reminiscing while she laughed in your face “We just ate-” 
The wedding was truly beautiful, the bride and groom looked great together and the food was completely out of this world. The groom was a finance guy, so it made sense that the wedding would be held in a grandiose style, I mean they had a chocolate fountain for god sake. And free gifts for people- free gifts!
You and Lucy talked with some people, ate some food from the candy bar while gossiping and danced a little bit but you had to take a break as ‘Cupid’ herself was socializing with acquaintances. You texted some of your friends, one from childhood and two from college- all ecstatic about the amazing things there. You had to remember to get Maddy a necklace as her birthday was coming up and Mark asked if you could get him a lucky cat doll and also-
“Is this seat taken?” 
You looked up at the owner of the voice, “Um, no- no it’s not.”
Um, yes it was, your sister was seated there- who even is this?
The stranger sat on the chair, turned his whole body to look at you and placed his hand under his head- like he was engaged in the most passionate discussion. 
From this position you could finally see the man up close- this must be the groom's best friend. Your sister told you as you sat down during the ceremony, even if you were seated far away, you could remember him now. He was right next to the groom.
“I’m sorry to interrupt you-”
“No, it’s okay-” Now you’re interrupting him, please stop.
He smiled at you, endeared by your attempt at alienating his worries. His smile reached his eyes and the corners wrinkled, like a testament of this strange man’s seasoned life. He looked at you in an almost parental fashion like he already knew you- wait, do you know him? 
Your sister has a bunch of friends and acquaintances around New York, maybe you did know him. “Do we know each other?” 
“No, I don’t believe we have met.” 
He had this air about him, like he was so comfortable and sure of himself. He smiled again at you, like he knew something you did not, was there something on your teeth?
“My name is Harry, it’s nice to meet you, miss…” You told him your name and he repeated it. 
Why was your heart beating so fast? Maybe because he was very, very handsome. 
“Would you like a drink?” he said your name again and you forgot all about the phone buzzing in your hand.
You looked across the ornate ballroom for your sister for a second.
“Wait, you’re old enough to drink, right?” His smile faltered for a second but he quickly regained it as you reassured him that you were indeed, old enough to drink. 
He ordered a cosmopolitan for you and an old fashioned for him and while you chatted, he asked about what you were doing in New York and how you knew the bride and the groom.
“You’re the matchmaker’s sister.” he pointed at you and you teared your gaze away from his beautiful brown eyes to notice the green ring on his finger. 
“I am.”
He must’ve noticed you looking at it as he too, looked at it- then at you and remarked:
“Green is my favorite color.”
This handsome man was clearly hitting on you, but why? You haven’t chatted with anyone this evening besides your sister and some basic chit-chat with the bride. He must’ve singled you out of the crowd as only a man with experience could have probably. Well it wasn’t going to end how he hoped, with you in his bed and him never calling you again. You weren’t born yesterday nor were you that desperate, no matter how handsome he was nor how tall and big he was compared to you-
No, you’re not going anywhere with him, you’re here for and with your sister. Speaking of which-
“I see you’ve made some friends.” She smiled as she came closer and introduced herself to Harry. Harry. What a beautiful name. 
As he turned his head towards her you looked at the curls he had at the base of his neck and thought you could never look at someone more handsome- his face looked like it was sculpted!
She made some polite conversation and It wasn’t long before she had to excuse you two in order to introduce you to some people there.
So in about 2 minutes- you said your goodbye’s and you left him there, silently hoping that maybe he could call out your name as you walked away or run after you and tell you he is madly in love with you ‘please don’t go’ - you audibly giggled next to your sister as you walked away, amused entirely by your schoolgirl-like-dreams as she gave you an odd look.
It was the cosmopolitan’s fault, you were sure.
As the night wore on you tried to see him again but to no avail; he must’ve left with some pretty model or gorgeous woman- the thought left an emptiness in your stomach you couldn’t shake for the whole night.
You were woken up by the sunrays on your face and by an immense amount of thirst that left your throat feeling like you scratched it all night long. You grabbed your phone instinctively and after about 30 minutes of coming back to life you finally got up.
As you entered the living room you saw your older sister on the phone and gave her a small wave.
She nodded her head at you as you walked into the kitchen to grab some ice cold water. 
Why was everything so hot in this apartment? 
After she finished her phone call you could finally debrief with her about last night's events, the most important of those things was definitely her meeting up with John again.
“Life just finds a way I guess.” you told her as she grabbed a coke from the fridge.
“Yeah, I guess.” She opened the can, took a sip and said “By the way, I have a surprise for you.”
“Yeah, what?” You couldn’t deny the way your heart jumped a little bit- maybe a bit more.
“I have a date for you.”
“Lucy, no..” you groaned. Was it with him? God let it be him.
“Hear me out, ok? I have to be at a girlfriend's house this evening and I want you to go, I would hate for you to be inside while I go have fun- plus you don’t have to go on a second date or anything, this is just for fun- no expectations, ok?” She pleaded with her eyes at you.
“I can’t say anything about this guy, but you have a lot in common, he is also a student like you- maybe you can bond over that.”
The day dragged on until 5pm when you had to get ready, you were hoping this guy wasn’t some snob or insufferable, but you trusted your sister. A short red dress and heels would suffice, as you were going to quite a fancy restaurant on the upper east side. When you arrived you said your name to the waiter and sat down at one of the beautiful velvet booths and ordered a glass of water for yourself. Being alone in a place as fancy as this, you did feel quite out of place a little bit.
On to wait for that guy to show up, even though you arrived on time.
Traffic in New York is horrible, so maybe he is fashionably late. 
He was not fashionably late as 45 minutes had passed and you were still alone, you could see people glance at you between the sounds of silverware- pitying you.
Or maybe no one cared, it was hard to tell- especially because you were so embarrassed. 
Your fingers itched for your phone, to text Lucy a 'I told you so'. Netflix and pajamas sounded infinitely better than this empty booth and the pitying glances. God you wish you were home right now, not dressed so fancy and looking so good only to be stood up.
The waiter came back, probably to ask you if anyone is coming. 
No, no one is coming.
“Is this seat taken?”
You looked up in bewilderment and met the gorgeous brown eyes of last night's enamourment. Harry was looking down at you, an amused look in his eyes and a smile on his lips.
“Hey!” you exclaimed, almost too loud in this fancy setting. “No, no it’s not.” Your heart started beating fast as he sat down in front of you, he looked even more handsome in the dimmed yellow lights of this restaurant.
He took off his dress jacket and placed it on the chair, you couldn't help but stare at the way his big arms looked, he was a very big man, so handsome too-
“I was having a meeting with my business partner and I looked across the room and there you were. “ He smiled at you like he did last night.
You were happy to see him, very happy.
“What are you doing here, Cinderella?” 
“I was waiting for someone, some guy my sister set me up with- he didn’t show up.” You leaned across the table so only he could hear what you said, not the old couple next to you two as well. 
“What an idiot.” He leaned close to you as well and you could smell his cologne “Well it’s good I am here now, right? We can carry on last night's conversation.” 
As you two ordered food, he asked you what you were studying. 
“Psychology. I have a scholarship.” 
“So you’re beautiful and smart.” He placed the napkin he received across his lap and you felt your ears get warm- you hoped the lights in this restaurant would dim the blush on your face as well. “Do you like what you are studying?” 
“Yes I do. I truly want to start my own clinic back home and help people.” You must’ve talked for like some full minutes about your degree and dreams while he asked you questions. He seemed genuinely interested in what you were saying, like he wanted to learn as much as he could about you.
He told you he would like to be your first pacient when you do become a psychologist and you laughed.
Harry was a funny man, very charming as well, though he had a way of turning a phrase to escape any sort of mention towards his private life, you wondered why that is. 
“Can I ask you a question?” you played with the short hem of your dress under the table. 
“Of course, anything you want.” He took a sip of his drink as he looked at you. His hands looked so big around the glass.
“I don’t mean to sound rude, but may I ask how old you are?” you could find in his eyes a touch of mischief, like he was thinking of something funny to say so he could see you smile.
“24.” he said. With the most monotone voice he could muster and with a straight face.
“24?” you asked, knowing he was messing around with you but deciding to play into his game. 
“Yes, I lived a rough couple of years as you can see. What’s so funny?” he asked you, faking being angry at your smiling face.
“Nothing.” you tried to hide your smile.
“You better not be laughing at my life story.”
“I’m really not.” you put on your serious face.
A man came by your table as the waiter started bringing dessert, and Harry got up to greet him, the man shook Harry’s hand and thanked him, before he left he gave you a polite smile and a ‘good night’ to both of you as he exited the restaurant with his wife or girlfriend. 
“Old friend.” Harry said as he sat back down again “He just bought an apartment complex.”
“Wow, he must be rich.” 
“Very rich indeed.” he took the spoon from next to the plate and cut through the lava cake he was brought. “Like this chocolate.”
 “I wanted to ask you if you wanted to dance with me yesterday” He looked at you again and you wanted to die inside when you remembered that you left him.  "You missed out," he teased, a smirk playing on his lips. "I'm quite the dancer."
"Oh, really?" you challenged, raising an eyebrow. 
"Don’t worry. I'm a fast learner. I won’t let you get away twice"
"Is that a threat?" you asked.
"A promise," he corrected you as he took a bite of the dessert.
Harry asked for your number by the end of the night and you gave it to him, of course you did.
As he told the waiter that he should put the dinner on his tab you protested, but he would have none of it. He said that this was the most fun he had in a while as he got up and watched you exit the booth. 
“Let me take you home-” He started as he let you walk ahead of him; you tried to ignore the way he looked at you; like he was still hungry.
“You shouldn’t worry about me, I’ll call an uber.” He helped you put on your jacket before he opened the door for you.
A soft breeze danced around the streets of the city at this late hour- you hugged your jacket closer to you. You didn’t want your meeting to end, but it had to. 
“Nonsense, let me take you home, c’mon.” He climbed the steps before you and turned around so your eyes could meet at the same level. His dark hair, with its natural waves, framed his face and the silver streak in his hair reminded you of something- he was so handsome, how was he so handsome? He smelled great too.
You smiled at him, maybe the drink you had inside made you this courageous. 
“You never told me how old you are.” Everyone passing by you two must think you were drunk by the way you were smiling at each other. He grabbed your hands in his much bigger ones and pressed them close together, like one might do to a child to make them listen- butterflies danced across your stomach again because of the sudden intimacy.
Harry’s smile faltered slightly and he adopted a more serious expression before lowering his voice and telling you: “I’m 49 years old.”
His deep brown eyes searched your face, like wanting to remember it before you start showing any signs of discomfort. 
You wanted to say something, before he interrupted you “If you are uncomfortable, I promise, I’ll take you home and I’ll never say-”
“And If I am not?” you spoke over him. 
His eyebrows relaxed back on his face as relief washed over his expression and a smile slowly started spreading across his lips. His eyes twinkled under the light above you two from the entrance of the restaurant and he looked at you like he wanted to kiss you.
“I’ll take you home then.”
•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•
Authors note: I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this for you and for me. I hope you have a great day and wish u de best.
If you are one of my long time followers, I just wanna say im sorry that I havent written anything in quite a while, but life got in the way and I just couldn't find any inspiration to give you something actually good. But I am back now! And to stay for good this time unless stated otherwise. ILY
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yeagersackerman · 3 days ago
fury | e.yeager
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eren yeager x fem!reader
!!: SMUT, vaginal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), pet names like (bitch, whore, slut, princess, baby), degradation, humiliation, orgasm denial, slight reader x jean kirstein, eren’s so fucking mean (sorry not sorry), making each other jealous, rough sex, dirty talk, jealous eren RAAAAWR.
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Eren didn’t even need to say anything and yet you knew he was fucking pissed.
You almost stopped what you were doing due to his intense stare from half-way across the busy room—but, you held out. Knowing this whole debacle had a high risk, yet high reward. If it worked in your favour, that is.
You were currently situated in the sweaty, loud house party your friend had thrown—tipsy as fuck and feeling disgustingly cheeky. Your cheeks were flushed red as you pushed your bottom half back against the male behind you. You knew your boyfriend was watching you mindlessly dance with your ex-boyfriend, Jean Kirstein, who you knew Eren despised.
You were only grinding against the tall, mullet-headed male to piss your boyfriend off for starting a meaningless fight in the car before the party. You were petty, Eren knew this, but he never knew you’d take it this far.
Jean’s hands rest against your liquid hips as you swayed deliciously to the beat, your body on fire as Eren bore holes into Jean’s hands against your soft skin.
“Someone doesn’t look to happy you’re with me, huh?”
Jean’s voice snapped your attention away from Eren’s dark, hooded eyes to his familiar voice. You knew exactly what he meant as you swallowed thickly.
“He can sulk all he wants, I don’t care.” You lied—knowing you did care what he thought as you wouldn’t be with Jean if you didn’t.
Jean chuckles breathily as he runs his hands up to your waist and back down again, choosing to not reply as you continue to dance with him.
You knew you had gotten to Eren but until he approached you, you weren’t gonna stop. However, you knew Eren was stubborn as shit, so if it took you all night to make him give in, then so be it.
“Looks like the score board is one nil now.”
Furrowing your eyebrows, you follow Jean’s eyes as he laughs evilly, watching something intently. However, your stomach drops when your eyes fall upon Jean’s entertainment.
Eren, leaning up against the wall, not bothering to watch your childish acts any longer, standing infuriatingly close to a girl whom he smirked down at as she whispered sweet nothings into his ear.
You could kill him.
Eren only turned back to you as the girl littered kisses against his tattooed neck, smirking like a fucking asshole at you.
Jean laughs lightly against your ear, whispering delicately into it, “Well, now that our audience is back, let’s put on a show, hm?”
Jean half expected you to just continue dancing with him to piss Eren off further, but you knew that wouldn’t faze him anymore.
So, when you turned around to face your ex-boyfriend and pulled his neck down to smush your lips together in a feverish kiss—both boys were taken aback. Eren twitched angrily as he shoved the girl nibbling at his neck off him, huffing loudly in rage as he watched you shove your tongue down your exes throat.
Before you could even get a proper taste of Jean, you were ripped away from the kiss and dragged through the bustling crowd. You could’ve laughed at the sheer grip Eren had around your wrist as he dragged you through the house and into a deserted room, slamming the door behind him.
“You think you’re fucking funny, huh?” He spat, the angriest you’d ever seen him in your life. “Think you’re fucking cute?”
“N-no, Eren—“
His body flew to yours in lightning speed as he pushed your body against the wall, hands forcing your own against the cold brick, gripping them in place roughly.
“Had an awful lot to say earlier, didn’t you? Where’s that fucking bitch attitude gone? Jean kissed it all out of you?” He growled, his dark gaze glaring down at you.
Words failed at you as your jaw fell slack at the sheer fury that laced his words, his voice low and indignant due to your actions. Your heart rate picked up so fast you thought you were going to go into cardiac arrest at the thought of what he was gonna do to you.
“Speak, bitch.”
His words stung as you whimpered slightly, “I-I’m sorry, baby, I swear.” The sweet nickname you slipped in doing nothing but pissing him off further.
“No, you’re fucking not,” He snapped, slamming his fist next to your head, his anger sending shockwaves of excitement to your core, “God, when did I get with such a fucking whore?”
The disgustingly degrading nickname should’ve offended you, but, your pearly white teeth couldn’t help but sink down into your pink lips as you rubbed your legs together to get some sort of sweet relief.
Eren noticed your antics, pushing his knee between your leg, forcing you to stop. This only ripped a needy whine from your throat which you instantly regretted as you met his eyes.
Uh, oh.
He dragged you from the wall and pushed you roughly onto the plush of the bed, as he ripped his t-shirt from his body, then slotted himself between your spread legs.
“You fucking disgust me,” He spat, his hands coming down to attack your breasts in your dress, tugging at your nipples roughly as you whined. “You’re nothing but a fucking slut—good only for making me cum and whoring around, aren’t you?”
His hands ripped at your clothes like his life depended on it—tossing them aside as he stared menacingly down at your naked frame. He wasted no time in undoing his belt and pushing his jeans to the floor.
“Get on your knees.”
You practically threw yourself to the floor as you kneeled in front of him, staring up at him through your lashes as he glared down at you, nothing but anger and disgust in his expression as he pulled his achingly hard cock from his boxers. His tip dribbled pre-cum as it bobbed in front of your face.
Eren didn’t ask your permission, not that he needed to, before forcing your mouth open and shoving all eight inches down your throat. You gagged and spluttered around him as the abruptness of his actions took you by surprise. Tears welled up in your eyes as he didn’t stop to let you adjust to his size, only continuing to slide his heavy cock across your tongue.
“Oh, fuck, yeah,” He growled, his hand nestled in your hair, pulling at the hair so hard you thought he’d tugged some out as you whined against him. “Don’t resist me, baby, you know this is what you deserve.”
Your nails clawed at his thighs as he thrust his hips feverishly against your mouth, balls slapping your chin as his pace never faltered. Tears fell quickly down your flushed cheeks as he abused your throat, putting your gag reflex to use as his tip smacked against your uvula.
“Eren, please!” You begged, as he pulled you off him briefly as you caught your breath, spit and tears covering your face as you heaved for breath.
“What? You think I’d fuck you nice and slowly after your behaviour earlier? I’m not Jean, the weak, vanilla piece of shit.” He spat, laughing darkly, “You wanna act like a slut, you get treated like one.”
He forced you back down onto his cock with a loud, gargled whine from you as fucked himself faster down your throat. He grunted lowly in pleasure as he planted a harsh slap to your cheek, forcing more tears from your eyes.
“Fuck, gonna make me cum down that stupid fucking throat if you carry on gaggin’ on me like that.”
You absentmindedly rubbed your thighs together, moaning on him as you provided yourself some sort of action as he fucked your throat mercilessly.
Eren didn’t like that.
He kicked your knees apart angrily, “Don’t you fucking dare.” He snarled, pulling his cock from your mouth as you whined desperately.
Eren dragged you up to your feet by your hair, shoving you back on the bed harshly as he followed you. You barely had time to think about what was going on before he forced your legs apart and planted his hot tongue against your sex.
You cried out, your hand flying to his messy bun, threading your fingers through his hair as he sucked your clit frenetically, groaning against your pussy. The rumble of his moans against your throbbing clit had you climbing towards your orgasm quicker than expected.
“Can’t even let me cum because you just want to yourself, you selfish bitch.” Eren snapped, pulling his mouth from your hot core, spitting on your pussy lewdly, and planting a rough slap to your aching clit, eliciting a loud, scratchy whine from your abused throat.
“Eren, please!” You cried as you felt him slip two long fingers inside your soaking wet hole, back arching off the bed as he pumped his fingers in and out of you as he lapped at your clit. Goddamn did that man know how to please you.
“‘M gonna cum!” You wailed, eyes squeezing shut as you could nearly taste your orgasm, Eren continuing to suck your clit like a thirsty man in the desert.
Just as your coil almost snapped in your tummy, your pussy felt awfully empty as Eren ripped his mouth and fingers from you just as you were about to cum. You didn’t even hide your annoyance as you burst into tears, wailing loudly as your pleasure faded away as he ripped it from you.
“E-Eren, please! Please—hiccup, please I need it. I’m so sorry, Rennie, please, please make me cum, please!” You begged, hands flailing at him, attempting to pull his stiff body down towards you as you sobbed into his shoulder, gripping onto his shoulders, nails piercing the skin.
“Jesus Christ, you’re pathetic.” Eren breathed evilly, shoving you off him, your body bouncing off the bed, your tits jiggling with every movement that had Eren’s cock twitching. “You don’t fucking deserve it, okay? I gotta punish you somehow, hm? You did this to yourself.”
“B-But, that girl!” You fought back, feeling anger bubbling in your chest as the reality of the situation hit you, “Wasn’t just me.”
“She came up to me—you willing went out of your way to find that asshole and stick your slutty tongue down his throat.” Eren bit back, pushing your legs up, folding you in half.
He leant down to spit on your pussy once more, catching some of the slick on his cock as he nudged your entrance, jerking the lubricant over his aching boner. You whined loudly as he pushed his tip inside you, knowing the second he prodded the sweet spot inside you, you’d soon build your orgasm back up again.
“If you so much as even think about cumming, I’ll stop and never fuck you again, and I fucking mean it.”
His threat played with your heart strings—feeling awfully sorry for yourself as you threw your head back in irritation, crying out loudly. Eren’s hand flew to your neck as he pushed himself fully inside you, again, not letting you adjust to his length, revelling in the way you wailed in wanton at his size.
Eren’s pace was evil.
You’d never been fucked like this before. Your legs practically behind your head, his large hand choking your neck, cutting off your airflow, and his cock drilling into you at such a speed you thought you were going to pass out.
You tried not to enjoy the way he was treating you—but, you secretly had never been more turned on in your entire life. Your pussy wetter than it’d ever been, evidently as Eren was cursing himself mentally at how incredible you felt—but, he wasn’t about to praise you right now.
“‘Ren, p-please!” You gasped out, nails carving up his back as he fucked you up, revelling in the way you whined his nickname loudly every time.
“Gonna cum so fuckin’ hard.” He warned you, his voice hoarse as his eyes rolled back, “Open your fucking mouth.”
You did as he asked as his pace quickened as he chased his orgasm, groaning and grunting against your leg. He pulled out quickly and forced his dick down your throat once more, crying out in pleasure as he lolled his head back.
Jean furrowed his eyebrows as he felt two tiny fingers tap his shoulder, ordering him to turn around.
He felt even more confused at the sight of you in front of him—eyes red and tired, cheeks stayed in tears with a red handprint on display on one, hair a total mess and your neck littered in bruises and another large handprint around the circumference of the front of your neck. Behind you, resided your smug boyfriend, smirking blissfully at your ex-boyfriend.
“What the fuck is this, Yeager?” Jean spat, feeling suddenly a bit threatened by the presence of your boyfriend.
“Open up, princess.”
Eren’s words confused Jean as he looked down at you. But, they soon made sense as you lolled your tongue out for Jean to see, secretly loving the way his jaw fell slack at the pool of cum resting on the pink muscle.
Jean’s eyes shot open in shock as he watched as you peered up at him so innocently as some of Eren’s cum rolled off your tongue and onto the floor.
“Wanna kiss my girlfriend again, Kirstein?”
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this is for you @jaegsnicotine 🤗
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peachylynnie · 2 days ago
when you have a crush on a fictional character
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word count: 200-300 per lead contains: lads men x reader, established relationship, headcanons on crack, jealousy (they have beef with a fictional character), some plushies were harmed in the making of this post, lots of manga spoilers, cursing, violence, and links to images/videos (so you know what the characters look like) a/n: i had so much fun making this. it's ironic too since THEY'RE fictional. listen, it was either this or ur kpop bias (im missing taehyung like a mf). again, bc these are headcanons, i'm not saying i'm right. reblogs and comments are always appreciated! tagged: @vvintqz (another xavier headcanon) lads masterlist
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gojo satoru from jujutsu kaisen (manga spoilers below)
thought you would enjoy the series since the two of you watch a lot of anime together
but now he regrets suggesting it.
he regrets mentioning the manga too
since the damned character wears a fucking compression shirt in the manga
he swears if he hears the words "my glorious blue eyed king" leave your mouth one more time
he's going to slice your gojo plushie into a million pieces with his sword (he thinks shoving it under the bed is already too much of a mercy)
why are there so many "no lube, no protection" comments under every gojo instagram post?
why are you liking every single one of them?! (you like them bc it's funny, but he is NOT amused)
will glare at you so hard if you ask him to cosplay
would honestly rather cosplay lumiere
this man is scowling whenever gojo appears on the screen
arms crossed, lips pouted, hand reaching for the sword type shit
turned off the TV when that one breathing scene came on (i had to link it)
jumped for joy when he died though lmao
never has he ever been so happy to see a literal body cut in half
you're just sitting there mortified while he's all sunshine and rainbows
he wants to find the author and give him a big hug
xavier 🤝 gege #1 gojo haters
sakusa kiyoomi from haikyuu (manga spoilers below)
he honestly doesn't know how to react at first
a volleyball player who acts like a jerk, has less than TWO minutes of screentime, and wears NEON attire? (he respects his obsession with hygiene though)
actually questions you at one point
"is that your type?" "do you want me to be like that?" "are you into volleyball players?"
you have to explain it's not like that at all, you just think he's cool
that assures him a bit
but when you start reading the manga
his worries return ten-fold
not only because the character appears more
but because the character doesn't wear neon anymore and has compression sleeves (that's HIS thing)
frowns when he looms over your shoulder
and sees you screenshot EVERY PANEL he appears in (is this a thing or am i the only one)
gets so confused as to why you're referring to the character as omi whenever you call your friend who's an atsumu girlie (i'm an osamu girlie)
he's half grateful the msby black jackals (he begrudgingly learned the team name from you) haven't been animated yet
his face is priceless when he walks into the shared bedroom
and sees a sakusa plushie there
wants to freeze it with his evol
instead he just awkwardly picks it up and makes it face the wall (he doesn't want to see you upset)
brant from wuthering waves
he's so sulky and petty about it
bashes the character whenever he has the chance
"he's a pirate, i bet he smells bad."
"ew, why does he talk like that?"
"he can summon a giant anchor? big deal. i can summon an entire ocean."
you find this situation really funny
since the whole reason you like brant in the first place is BECAUSE he reminds you of rafayel
it's the theatrical mannerisms and flashy outfits (the sea too)
but you don't tell him that (he'll probably act more offended anyway)
whenever he catches you playing the game
he sighs dramatically and falls on the couch
head on your lap and trying to distract you from the game
"replaced by a stinky pirate, how could this be?"
"can't believe you're playing a game when there's a hot, rideable fishie right in front of you"
he's flabbergasted when you reach for your wallet
"wait, IT'S A GACHA GAME?!"
cue him running around with your wallet and you chasing after him
"no way, cutie. last time you spent like fifty dollars on identity v for some skin."
when you try to correct him that it was for a danganronpa collab (and that it was less than fifty dollars)
he snatches your phone
now he's running with both your wallet and your phone in hand
yomi from gokurakugai (manga spoilers below)
you started the manga because the character LOOKS LIKE him (just hair down)
he has silver hair, red eyes, and composed mannerisms
literally when you see the panel of him appearing with a jacket hanging from his shoulders along with some slacks shoes
you have to sigh because
you are NOT beating the allegations
the "i have a type" allegations
sylus is honestly amused
see he would actually READ the manga
not even online
he would buy physical copies of it
and have it in your bookshelf
since he knows how much you HATE the pop-up ads on the website you use to read
also because he wants to see what you're so excited about
so imagine your face when you walk into your shared bedroom
and see your boyfriend in all of his gorgeous glory
wearing his signature bathrobe
a wine glass in one hand and...
he chuckles at your dumbfounded expression before standing up and walking towards you (the manga's still in his hand btw)
"what's wrong, sweetie? i thought you liked this series, given how much you've searched for this character on pinterest."
you gulp when he pins his hand on the wall
"would you like me to wear my hair down?"
chrollo lucilfer from hunter x hunter (manga spoilers below)
see the other guys are...relatively grateful these characters are fictional
this guy actually WISHES this bastard of a character was real
so he can plummet him into the ground
because why are you squealing every time this pale, grown ass man with a tattoo on his forehead and an open fur coat appears on the screen???
here's the thing
caleb was excited to start this show with you since he heard it's good
and it is!
he loves the nen system, has a soft spot for killua, and would honestly kill for gon
but now, whenever you suggest watching the show, he's grumbling and insisting you guys watch something else
he would rather die than tell you this
but one time
he slicked his hair back in front of the mirror to see if he looks like him (oh the aura loss)
he also read the manga
but only to see how often chrollo appears so he can be prepared
was excited for the hisoka vs. chrollo fight (since he's hoping the latter dies)
actually enjoyed it too since both characters used their abilities so creatively
threw his phone when hisoka lost
and punched your chrollo plushie with his metal arm
you made him buy you another one
a/n: not me exposing all of my fictional crushes. here are some other characters i considered: seba natsuki, kei uzuki (sakamoto days), levi ackerman (aot), phainon (hsr), yoru (gokurakugai), beom tae ha (tears on a withered flower), theo lapileon (my in laws are obsessed with me), shinso hitoshi, dabi (bnha), choso kamo (jjk) (my beloved), and reigen arataka (mp 100) (solely for shits and giggles).
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katiascraft · 9 hours ago
Hi!! Sorry to bother you with a request. Can you make some angsty with miscomunication with happy ending where lando and reader are best friends and kinda like a thing but at the same time he is kinda with magui and then after a while lando and reader start dating and then dts Its drop and she finds out that magui was there when she trough They were already over? Very specific he he and im not good at english im sorry and thank you!
hey anon! I loved this idea sooooo much. i was already thinking about something like this so thank you so very much for your request! and sorry it took this long for me to write it :( i hope you enjoy it <3 (pss your english is very good and your requests will never bother me, they make me happy!) (also I hope it makes sense)
﹙LN4﹚ ── ❝ almost, always ❞
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summary: this chapter of y/n’s life is about how lando said there was nobody else for him but then she appeared.
warnings: i used reckless by madison beer to write this one and traitor by olivia rodrigo :( and cried a lot. very angsty. but a happy ending after all. cursing. cheating. insults. please use your imagination along the ride! not proofread.
blog masterlist
You and Lando have been the best of friends since forever. Your older brother, Dante, went to school with George Russell and he has always been really supportive of his driving career. Since you have memory you were playing around at the karting competitions in different places of england and then europe. All of your family was really close to George's family so no doubt you were going to be there for him when he started racing in F2. and that’s exactly when you and Lando met. He was a cute little guy. But a handsome teenager with the most contagious laugh and sparkly ocean blue eyes. You knew that since then, that very first day of competition, you were in love with him.  
And Lando knew it too. He knew the moment he saw your sweet and shy smile directed at him there was no coming back to where things were. You changed his life. You showed him how it was like to love someone. The sun was behind you and it made you look like an angel in his teenage eyes. You were the most beautiful girl he has ever seen. So he knew he didn't have a chance. He kept his feelings and thought that he should be thankful you even talk to him. But you didn’t just talk to him just for talking. You built this magical bond full of love, understanding, admiration. It was healthy. It was safe.
You were inseparable, unbreakable and above all, untouchable. Everyone could see the chemistry. The sparks coming out of you. You had the kind of bond that made people think ‘they must be something more than just friends’. But you both were too scared to do anything about it. You just enjoyed each other's company and it was beautiful that way.
Until it wasn’t anymore. 
Nowaday things between you two are completely different but you were more than sure that if there was a chance to travel back in time, you would. And you would change everything that ruined everything. All the wrong decisions. All the stupid feelings. Her. you would more than gladly erase her. And maybe even erase him too.
Because even though he brought so much joy and love in your life, he also brought a lot of pain and insecurity. He was once your safe place but now you want to be as far away from him as possible. You’re no longer on speaking terms anymore. 
situationships suck ᝰ.ᐟ
(beginning 2023 - middle 2024)
You had convinced yourself what you felt for him was normal. That your heart racing every time he was too close was normal. That the way he looked at your lips when he talked to you was also normal. That the way he looked for you in the crowd every podium was normal. That the way butterflies went in circles in your stomach was normal. That your happiness was coming from his happiness was normal. 
It must be because he has a girlfriend. Luisa. And you like her, right? 
His touch didn’t burn your skin. His fingers didn’t trace circles in them when he was anxious. He didn’t whisper in your ear everytime he was nervous. He didn't ask his team to specifically be allowed to be at the garage close to him. He didn’t introduce you to every single member of the team and everybody knew you. He didn ‘t do all of that when she wasn’t around… because she wasn’t around and you were. 
Lando didn’t know what to do with his feelings. She was his best friend, the girl who got him in and out, through and through. She knew everything about him. She listened. She smiled at him in the sweetest way and made him gifts. When she was around she was the only person that mattered. And sometimes he forgot he had a girlfriend whether she was around or not. It was her, always. But he was a coward and didn’t believe she liked him back that way. She was gorgeous and he was just a dude. He wasn’t special the way he thought she was.
For him, it has always been you. But fear was a cruel thing. He didn’t wanna lose you. He didn’t want to hurt you. He wouldn’t forgive himself. 
So he played along as the loving and caring boyfriend with luisa when you were the only thing in his head. He preferred to stay in your safe bubble of almosts and what ifs rather than fuck it up with you. 
Until that night. The night he knew he couldn’t keep pretending and lose you. He couldn’t keep on lying to luisa. She deserved better. But seeing you with that guy in that little black dress drove him almost insane. You were so close to him, flirting disgustingly. He was red with anger. He wanted to do something but his girlfriend was there and you were supposed to be just that friend of his. His best friend and that was it. He should be happy for you. But he wasn’t. 
So in between the conversation you turned around and saw him staring. Stone face. He was looking straight through you. For a moment you forgot how to breathe. The way his jawline was pressed in a way it made his muscles show even more. His shirt unbuttoned. The lights reflecting on his beautiful eyes. You almost panicked. You could feel he was feeling the same. You knew you weren’t crazy. 
He felt it too. 
You don’t remember how it happened but you ended up on his sheets that night. The way he kissed you so desperately. He broke up with luisa as if it was easy. You didn’t have time to process it at the moment. To see the red flags waving high in the sky. Desire and desperation made it easy to ignore them. He was all your brain could think. His skin against yours. You moaning his name. 
You have waited for that moment your whole life. And you didn’t remember feelings of ecstasy ever before. 
“It’s always been you, yaknow?” His voice was deep and low. He pressed a soft kiss on your neck sending shivers down your spine. His fingers are tracing patterns in your arm. He felt at ease under your scent. 
You remember that night as the most magical night of your life. But you didn’t know that to him it was just another story he would get bored of and throw away.
While you were together, life was the most exciting thing in the world. Road trips, dates at the beach, paddle matches and barbecue with friends, travelling to london to visit his family, party nights, sex, kisses, roses and diamonds. It was perfect. He was the sweetest guy in this world. But there was one thing you wouldn't do. And that was calling him ‘mine’ because he wasn’t yours. You were just ‘friends’. But friends shouldn’t know how you taste, right?
That made you feel so confused. He told you he loved you and made love to you as if it was a promise. But then you were his friend to his family and friends. Just y/n. It was you, yes but not the way you would’ve preferred to be called. 
But then, out of nowhere it seemed, he would flirt with girls at parties in your face. And that’s when everything started going to shit. You didn’t understand what was actually going on. Why was he doing that? If you were so important to him, why would he play with you this way? If he cared so much about you, why would he put you under so much shit? 
But the breaking point was her. Blonde hair, blue eyes and a smile to die for. She was nothing special, just a blonde girl. But I guess blondes always have more fun than the rest of us, and more with that angelic face of hers. That’s when you lost lando. He started talking about her ‘she is nice, you know? I think you would like her’. And then he would stop inviting you to dates, but she would go with him and watch the sunset at max’s yacht. And she started replacing you in every way she could. And you just watched it happen being unable to stop it. You started realizing he didn’t even care about you. You were just another girl on his list and probably never considered you an actual friend. If he did, he wouldn’t have played with you this way. But he did, and it hurt. 
And that’s when everything ended. 
just a friend ᝰ.ᐟ
(july 2024)
“She’s just a friend y/n” he said, fed up with your questioning. You can clearly see in his face that he was so done with this discussion. 
“Lando, for fucks sake, stop lying to me. She clearly isn't” you insisted on entering his room at his Monaco house. 
“I can’t keep up with this y/n. Just stop. I don’t know what else you want me to say” he was getting really annoyed. 
“The truth! Tell me the fucking truth! Was I a joke to you? You never cared, did you? You just wanted to laugh in my fucking face right?” your voice expressed how hurt you were. 
“You’re not a joke y/n” 
You laughed dryly “right, alright. Then what’s her? Max told me lando, you kissed her. And i know you fucked her multiple times, i just know it. Stop pretending you dont know what the fuck is going on when you know exactly what im talking about!” tears started to stream down your face “is this what you wanted? Did you ever care about our friendship? My fucking feelings? I feel so used, it's disgusting lando. I knew you were stupid but I never thought you would be this evil. If you didn’t love me then why did you do all of this?” 
“y/n, i love you” you could see in his face he was now scared. But you didn't care anymore. And didn’t want to know the reasons for it either. 
“No, you don’t lando! If you fucking did you wouldn’t have hurt me this way! I was there for you for fucks sake, i was fucking there for you all of this time! I gave you everything! Everything! And all you ever wanted was to fuck a fucking model?! I can’t believe I was so damn stupid to believe every lie you fed me! Oh god i hate myself so much” 
·y/n, please, calm down. We can talk this-” 
“Do you really are asking me to fucking calm down after what you did?! And you didn't even deny it! You’re so guilty of all of it. You knew! You knew what you were fucking doing and you didn’t care! I hate you, lando. I hate you with every gut i have left” 
“No, no, no. please, y/n. Let me explain. It’s not like that. I do care about you. I just thought you didn’t want to be with me. You became so close to Max I thought you wanted to be with him and…” 
You couldn’t believe your ears. You just couldn’t believe he would really use that as an excuse. “Shut up lando, max is a fucking friend. It was you. It has always been you. Holy shit! I have your fucking letters saying i was all you have ever wanted! How could you? You’re ashamed of me, that's it, right? I'm not as beautiful as I should be for you to call me yours. I'm not a model enough for you, am I? I can't believe it! I'm so stupid” 
“No, y/n is not that, believe me. she isn't you.” he was literally begging on his knees. 
“Don’t be pathetic lando, i won’t ever believe a fucking word you say. You’re a liar. You played me as a toy. Like I was nothing and now you want me to believe you? Hope you are fucking happy with her, and i hope she can make up for what i couldn’t for not being fucking good enough for you” you were so hurt you just had to run from that bedroom, from that house. 
“y/n! Wait! Please!” It was too late. You were already in your mclaren. “I don’t know what I did…” he was left talking alone. And not understanding what he even did. But he knew he already regretted it. 
she. isn't. you.
she must be perfect but I hope you both go to hell ᝰ.ᐟ
(august 2024)
After that day, I didn't leave my bed. The way it all happened so fast. The way he would still lie to you. You hated men. You hated him and everything about him. All you knew from that day was what you could see on social media even though you always put ‘dont show this content’ or ‘i'm not interested in this content’. He lied and told everyone at a fan meeting that he was single, when you knew from Max he already asked her out… unlike with you. 
She seemed nice. She was very beautiful. But you weren’t that evolved yet. You hated her. If she didn’t exist then he would be still yours. It would be you there on holiday in the alps. Oh god, you fucking wanted to be her. She was all you wanted to be. Skinny, blonde, flawless. You wanted everything she had. She was sunkissed, you felt like a vampire. She was shining and you were drowning. She took everything from you and left no crumbs. 
And the worst part is that he seemed to be happy. You are still friends with Pietra and she told you she was nice and that they got along pretty well. And that maybe if  you and lando want to fix it, you all can be a huge group of friends. You fucking hated that idea. It repulsed you. But you weren’t so sure if it was because of her or because of him no more. 
It should be you, it should be you, it should be you. 
You were driving yourself insane stalking her profile. Obsessing with the idea she was everything you were not. You wanted to burn her alive even though the real asshole was him. 
But you loved him first, right? That should matter… Did it matter? Did he think of you? Did he regret it? Did he talk to her about his fears and dreams? Did he share the same joke that was only yours? Did he talk to her in her ear the same way he used to do with you? Was he as obsessed with her as he was with you? Did he feel the same? Was he in love? 
All the questions weren’t letting you have a moment of peace and your brain was really good at torturing you. 
guess my friends were right (you might love her now but you loved me first) ᝰ.ᐟ
(from august 2024 to march 2025)
Life for Lando wasn’t that easy after seeing you walking away from his life. He knew he fucked it up. But he tried to play it cool. As if you were right about everything, because he thinks he deserves to suffer after what he has done. Yes, he was a masochist at this point. He was dating someone he didn’t like at all, he knew. But he couldn’t stop his torture because he simply believed he didn’t deserve to be happy. He saw your eyes, the saw the pain he caused for being such a coward. And stupid. And idiotic. And a fucking loser. He acted like a kid and lost the girl of his dreams. The girl who had been there for him since the beginning. The one that got him by just looking in her eyes. She knew. She knew all of him, the real him. All his fears and dreams and desires and mistakes. He had it all. He had her, all of her to himself but let it fall. He threw her against the floor and broke her into so many pieces. And instead of mending his faults, he just ran away crying. Like a little kid running away from the monster under his bed. 
Maggie was doing her makeup at the hotel room’s mirror. He watched her for a while trying to puzzle what he felt for her. But all he wanted to see was you. And he knew it was impossible for that to happen now. And probably like ever again. 
The fact he had to pretend every single minute of his life was starting to take a toll on him. He lost that spark he used to have. He lost that characteristic smile when he did well in a race. And his interviews just turned monotone and grey. Something was off people would comment. But he didn’t care. He deserved it. He fucking deserved it. 
Maggie always tried to cheer him up and he pretended it was just because he hated the media. And not because you used to be there with him, always. But now it is almost alone. 
It almost happened. It was almost you. It was almost the happy ending you deserved but he decided to ruin it. It was almost you and him against the world. But it was almost, though all he wanted was forever with you. 
At the beginning he was obsessed with maggi. The way her eyes looked at him, that cheeky smile  of hers. She was all he wanted as a fantasy. She was his fantasy in real life. He was so captivated by her looks and sweet voice. Almost like yours. But something drew him to her. He still doesn’t know what it was. Guess some things don't have an explanation. She was soft and shiny. He wanted to touch her everywhere, everytime. He forgot he had the love of his life waiting for him to watch a movie and eat burritos and kinders. He forgot the small things mattered more. He forgot what it was like to feel love during sex. But he was drunk. In her looks, in the way she talked to him. He forgot about you. He couldn't concentrate. 
But when you were gone, he pretended maggie was you as twisted as it sounds. He was convinced he became completely insane. People constantly telling him how awful he was to the poor girl. Your brother hates him. Dante didn’t say hi to him ever again since that day. 
He saw you at a couple of races at the Mercedes garage. You always pretended to have never known him in your life. He saw fans on twitter theorizising why you didn’t look at him anymore. They also believed it was his fault. And surely it was. 
That day you walked past him. He smelled your scent, still wearing the same perfume you adored so much and that made him fall in love the first time he saw you. You were laughing while talking with Carmen in Spanish, because you were the king of languages. You were really good at them and you enjoyed so much learning new stuff. He liked that about you, you are always driven to learn and learn and learn. He wanted to say hi, and even though you ignored him, Carmen looked at him in a really not inviting way. Everybody knew he fucked it up. He felt so ashamed of himself. 
said you’d never hurt me but here we are ᝰ.ᐟ
(australian grand prix, 2025)
You were so nervous to be back at the paddock and at the same time so excited for this new chapter for mercedes. You were longing for Lewis but at the same time you were very excited about kimi. Weather conditions were terrible and it in a really sarcastic way showed how you really felt about being there. You didn’t want to come at first but Carmen was a really good convincing person and you were no exception. Plus, you wanted to see your friends George and Alex. The two brits were your best friends since F2 back in 2018 when it all started. It was insane that so many years have passed already. All of the memories you cherished in your heart. They were so precious to you. 
Kym illman received you at the gates taking pictures of you, your brother, carmen and george coming into the paddock for race day. You always hated the media because their cameras made you look so bad, you thought. But it was part of your friend’s work so, it was what it was. You were already so wet you thought it was embarrassing. A super big mercedes hoodie covered your body as a dress and some rain boots on. And you called that outfit a day. It wasn’t glamorous at all, but it was so you for sure. 
Heading to the Mercedes hospitality, you saw Lando taking coffee with his parents at the McLaren hospitality. Your brother put on his best dog face and didn’t look at them. But for some reason you couldn’t do that to his parents even though you hated their son. Lando’s mom looked at you and waved happily to see you. “Hey!, y/N!” she said sweetly and smiled at her. They were always really good to you. So you got closer and said hi to them properly with a kiss on a cheek and a little hug for each. 
“Hi” , you only said to Lando, keeping your distance in a sad and shy smile. He half smiled as well.
“Hi” he said back to you the same way. 
“Darling you look so gorgeous, I love that haircut on you. You’re such a pretty girl” his mom said and made you blush immediately. 
“Oh, thank you so much… i gotta go… have  a great race, lando” you said a bit awkwardly and walked away to the mercedes hospitality to join your people. 
Lando was in awe of you. He kept the way you said his name on his head. It’s been the longest time without hearing your voice, that he realized he forgot how it sounded. And he also realized that it was your sweet voice, the only voice he wanted to listen to the rest of his life. He hated himself for that. But after all this time, he had made one thing right. He broke up with Maggi a week ago. He couldn’t keep pretending, he was done. 
“She looked really beautiful… it’s sad you don't talk anymore. We really liked her” his mother said and he shook his head a bit.
“i fucked it up, mom. But i will figure out a way to make it right again” he answered but more reassuring himself rather than his mother. 
She smiled looking proudly at her son “the good thing is to learn darling, you’re a good boy, let yourself be happy and fight for what makes you happy… you deserve it” she said sweetly sending lando all the energy he needed to go afloat. 
the only girl you’ve ever wanted in your life ᝰ.ᐟ 
Lando won. Lando won. Lando won. He did it. Of course you were happy for your friend who came out third and kimi fourth! What an amazing race though you were at the brink of suffering from a heart attack for two hours. After a lot of champagne was thrown to George, you were resting in the hospitality building waiting for your brother, Dante and George to come around. Carmen went to talk to alexandra for a bit and Lili was already at the hotel. So you decided to check on twitter all of the memes and opinions on this race. You saw a few people sharing your pics and commenting whether they were happy to see you or telling you looked disgusting as ever. It was hard to get used to this side of the sport but you always tried to brush it off.
You were so concentrated on your phone, you didn’t realize until the third time Lando cleared his throat that he was there standing in front of you in his casual clothes already, and freshly showered, smelling as good as you remembered him. 
“Hi,” he said again, sitting in front of you. You smiled a bit shocked that he is here in front of you after so many months of not even seeing pics of him. And he looked really nice in your opinion, but when did he not? 
“Hey” you said. He was nervous, he didn’t like the fact your hoodie wasn’t McLaren but you looked cute anyway. 
“It's been a long time,” he answered.
“Yup” you nodded. 
You stared at each other for a while. If someone walked past, they would think you were playing eyesight war but you were just analysing each other trying to think of what to say or where to begin. 
“I’m sorry” you both said in unison. You looked at each other in surprise now and then laughed it away. 
“Alright, that was a bit weird,” he said, giggling. “Guess, we still connected somehow…” his voice turning off as the sentence ends. 
“I guess in a way we are… I can't stop thinking about you and what happened…” you confessed even to your own surprise. 
He smiled a little, feeling his heart start to race “me neither to be honest… i feel terrible about it” you could see how honest he was being. Or at least to want to believe him. He felt different. You guessed that maybe he doesn't know why he lied that much either. 
“I miss you” you confessed even though you didn’t want to. But even after everything… you still loved him. 
His eyes showed a little spark. It wasn't there when he sat in front of me a few minutes ago. Now his smile got bigger showing his dimples. He was a pretty motherfucker, you thought.
“I miss you too,” he agreed. 
Was this the beginning of a second chance? Or maybe you're announced dead? 
Or maybe the happily ever after you have always dreamed about, but only time will tell.
dont forget to reblog, like or comment if you liked it! and follow me so we can be friends <3 (and drink mate together)
226 notes · View notes
seitmai · 14 hours ago
Many thoughts
You shrug. “Because I can.” Bradley grimaces. “You’ve got to have a better reason than that.” “Why? Because you did?” Bradley watches you wearily. “Because it’s not easy. Because it’s the fucking pits, actually.” He sighs heavily. “Because it’s all consuming –” “You told me to follow my gut.” Bradley takes a beat, flabbergasted. “Obviously, that was before I knew which direction your gut was pointing.”
Oh Bradley...
You stare through his eyes right into his soul. “You don’t think I can do it, do you?” Bradley groans uncomfortably. “That’s not it at all. On the contrary, I think you can do pretty much anything you want. I just don’t think you’d be happy doing this.” “You can’t possibly know what would make me happy. You don’t even know me.”
Uff, that had to hit
“Do you realize the implications here? You are signing your life away. That’s it. It’s not yours anymore. You want that?” “There’s more to it than that.” “Sure, but that’s the main part. You don’t get to decide anything anymore. Where you live, how you live, if you live. They decide for you.” You shrug. “I can live with that.” Bradley shakes his head. “Do you want that?” You give him a meaningful look. “Do you regret your decision?” Bradley releases a steady sigh. You got him there. “No,” he responds grudgingly.
He honestly had it coming, he should have known by now that she is too quick witted to let that slide 🤷🏻‍♀️
Truthfully, he considers that this may be the best-case scenario. The two of you were becoming far too friendly and Hangman would certainly have noticed. This way, he can drop off his passenger in ten hours’ time without a second thought and be on his way. No drawn-out goodbyes, no clumsy embraces, no guilt-ridden conversations with brother dearest. Yes, this is how it should have been from the start. Awkward silence, buzzing radio, peace and quiet.
No 🥺💔
“Anyway,” you say, reaching over and placing your hand on Bradley’s thigh. “Friends?” Bradley, whose leg is tingling so intensely under your palm that it nearly spasms, looks over at you feebly. “Friends,” he manages to say, although it comes out as a half-whispered croak.
Ah yes the totally ✨️friendly ✨️ gesture of touching someone's thigh
“It’s coming,” Bradley retorts with a smirk. “It’ll come faster if you behave.” In all honesty, Bradley didn’t anticipate the amount of supervision you’d require. Not that he’s averse to keeping an eye on you. After all, you’re pretty easy on the eyes.
You push off the barrier and approach him slowly, your eyes holding his gaze temptingly. You place a hand over his chest and Bradley experiences something he imagines is akin to being struck by lightning – but infinitely more enjoyable. You proceed to sweep your fingers over his pecs while Bradley proceeds to dissolve beneath your touch. “You got your shirt dirty,” you say matter-of-factly, as though you might as well be dusting a mantelpiece.
He is so gone
“It’s kind of a dangerous place to be discussing laundry.” You glance up at him, your eyes searching his. “Are you gonna kiss me, Brad Bradshaw?”
I just loved this so much!
Bradley blacks out for an entire three seconds, then says, “Here?” because he hasn’t even let himself rehearse this type of situation. And now, he’s evidently unprepared. He gulps again but his throat is so dry it feels like he’s been chewing on dust for the last half hour. “Do you want me to?” he stammers. You shrug, as if you could take it or leave it. “If you want.”
In my eyes she is the coolest, most nonchalant person ever and Bradley is putty in her hand😌🤭
Bradley, so immersed in the moment that he forgets entirely their precarious position on the shoulder of the interstate, blurts out, “I’ve wanted to since the moment you called me the dorkiest guy at the station.” You giggle. “Is that all it takes?” You take a step closer to him, your eyes drifting down to his chest where you tentatively place your hand right over his heart. “You were also the cutest,” you say, lifting your gaze to meet his again.
Bradley snorts, picking up on your facetiousness. “Accessories sold separately,” he mutters as you tug on his open Hawaiian shirt. He takes a step toward you obediently. You eye him mischievously, a staring contest for the ages. “Kinda had my heart set on the whole package.”
I'm sure he will make a great deal for her 🤭
Bradley, who receives this statement with as much disappointment as would a toddler deprived of his Halloween candy, grimaces. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” he replies, knowing full well he's bound to break before the two of you ever reach Dallas.
Bradley’s insides violently convulse, but he can’t fathom a more pleasant experience. He’d really like to tell you that it’s yours, whatever your heart desires. He’d really like to sink his hands into your hips and pull you in, press himself against you, watch as your lips part in anticipation. And he’d truly give just about anything for a taste of your mouth, of the skin on your neck, of…
Oh he is so gone 🥰🤭
I love that he is the older one but more like a love-sick puppy here 🤭
Hotter Than Texas | Part IV
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x F!Reader
A/N: My friends, I'm finally posting an update. Y'all are extremely patient XD Hope you like it!
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw is tasked with transporting a not-so-delicate package in the form of Jake Seresin's baby sister, who turns out to be Bradley's dream girl worst nightmare.
Aka it's a road trip, strap in.
CW: swearing, age gap (10 years)
WC: 2200+
Part I | Masterlist
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It takes Bradley a good long minute of staring before he can formulate a thought worth sharing, and the worthy part is highly debatable. “I don’t think that’s a very good idea,” he finally says.
You furrow your eyebrows at him in offence. “Excuse me?”
Bradley squeezes his eyes shut and rubs his face as though, with this action, he could effectively erase the last five minutes of the evening. If only he hadn’t asked. What had possessed him to ask? He slides his hands slowly down his face just as the server delivers a plate of tortilla chips and cheese dip to your table. The truth is, he just can’t picture you in a uniform, conforming. You are one of a kind – the antithesis of the military mold. “Why?” he asks, instead of voicing any particular opinion – of which he has many.
You shrug. “Because I can.”
Bradley grimaces. “You’ve got to have a better reason than that.”
“Why? Because you did?”
Bradley watches you wearily. “Because it’s not easy. Because it’s the fucking pits, actually.” He sighs heavily. “Because it’s all consuming –”
“You told me to follow my gut.”
Bradley takes a beat, flabbergasted. “Obviously, that was before I knew which direction your gut was pointing.”
You purse your lips and glance down at the untouched queso on the table. “I want to fly,” you say quietly.
Bradley stares at you. “Take a vacation,” he says. “Get a window seat.”
You fix him with a cold look. “You ass.”
“Come on,” he responds with a small smile. “You’re not going to tank half a decade of your life just to sit in a cockpit.”
You stare through his eyes right into his soul. “You don’t think I can do it, do you?”
Bradley groans uncomfortably. “That’s not it at all. On the contrary, I think you can do pretty much anything you want. I just don’t think you’d be happy doing this.”
“You can’t possibly know what would make me happy. You don’t even know me.”
Bradley nods despite being hurt by the comment. He’s only known you for a couple of days, sure, but somehow, it feels like a lifetime. “You’re right,” he says, suddenly losing his appetite. “I barely know you. You probably shouldn’t have even told me.”
You roll your eyes and gather about a pound of queso onto your chip. “Are you seriously going to sulk all through dinner?”
“I’m not sulking,” Bradley replies, irritated that you’ve noticed.
“I told you because you asked,” you say. “But nobody else knows. And I’d like to keep it that way until everything is finalized. I don’t want to be swayed.”
Bradley raises his eyebrows. “You want me to keep this from your brother?”
“Mmhmm,” you mumble around the chip in your mouth.
“Are you crazy?” Bradley hisses. His relationship with your brother is strained enough as it is. And crushing on his baby sister is bad enough without also lying to Jake on top of it all.
“Pretend you don’t know,” you suggest.
It’s Bradley’s turn to stare you down. “I can’t do that.”
“Why not?”
“Because,” he sighs wearily, “I want you to be swayed. You can’t just join the Navy on a whim –”
“This isn’t a whim –”
“Do you realize the implications here? You are signing your life away. That’s it. It’s not yours anymore. You want that?”
“There’s more to it than that.”
“Sure, but that’s the main part. You don’t get to decide anything anymore. Where you live, how you live, if you live. They decide for you.”
You shrug. “I can live with that.”
Bradley shakes his head. “Do you want that?”
You give him a meaningful look. “Do you regret your decision?”
Bradley releases a steady sigh. You got him there. “No,” he responds grudgingly.
“So, obviously, there’s more to it than just completely renouncing your freedom.”
There is, and he wouldn’t give it up for anything. But still, something tells him that it’s not for you. “You’ve made up your mind?”
You swirl another chip in the cheese, deliberating. “I think so.”
Bradley watches you soak your tortilla until it’s soggy, wondering how any of this is real. “Okay, I won’t say anything.”
The next few hours of the drive are mostly silent. Bradley concentrates on the route rather than his unfortunate exchange with you while you spend the time looking out the window. Not that there is much to see on the interstate, but that doesn’t seem to deter you.
He feels bad. He was kind of hard on you – and perhaps a tad overbearing considering he isn’t a close friend who might have any influence over your decisions. You didn’t tell him because you wanted his input. You told him because Bradley’s a nosy prick who wouldn’t let it go until you did. And now you’re mad at him and you have every right to be.
Truthfully, he considers that this may be the best-case scenario. The two of you were becoming far too friendly and Hangman would certainly have noticed. This way, he can drop off his passenger in ten hours’ time without a second thought and be on his way. No drawn-out goodbyes, no clumsy embraces, no guilt-ridden conversations with brother dearest. Yes, this is how it should have been from the start. Awkward silence, buzzing radio, peace and quiet.
Bradley eyes you inconspicuously as he checks his rearview mirror. Your expression is completely stoic as you stare straight ahead, ignoring Bradley’s presence completely.
Bradley looks over at you more obviously; he can’t help it. But you turn your head to look out your own window.
Bradley sighs. “Now who’s sulking?” he says.
You glance at him bitterly but say nothing at all.
“Look, I’m sorry, alright?” he says, sounding more impatient than apologetic. “You just took me by surprise.” Everything about this trip has taken him by surprise, if he’s being honest.
You fold your arms over your chest mutely.
“Don’t be mad,” Bradley says.
You look over at him sharply. “Trust me, darlin’, this ain’t mad.”
Bradley smiles at you despite himself. “Well, that’s worrisome.”
You roll your eyes but the corners of your mouth lift microscopically. “I’m just … irked.”
Bradley pulls his lips in to keep from grinning as this might irk you further. “I’m sorry for irking you.”
You draw in a deep breath, as though you’re trying to gather the strength to continue coexisting with an imbecile like Bradley. But then you release it and say, “I know that it was unexpected,” you say calmly. “And I know that you’re concerned.”
Bradley nods solemnly at the road ahead of him rather than at you.
“Which I appreciate, I suppose,” you continue, shrugging.
Bradley furrows his brows apprehensively. “I just want you to think it through,” he reasons. “And part of thinking it through is discussing it with someone who’s been in your shoes.”
“Maybe,” you respond. “I guess I’m just worried someone will talk me out of it.”
Bradley nods again. Somebody talking you out of it is exactly what he had in mind.
“Anyway,” you say, reaching over and placing your hand on Bradley’s thigh. “Friends?”
Bradley, whose leg is tingling so intensely under your palm that it nearly spasms, looks over at you feebly. “Friends,” he manages to say, although it comes out as a half-whispered croak.
“Should we call roadside assistance or something?” you say, skeptically eyeing the wrench in Bradley’s hand.
Bradley gives you an amused look and crouches down before the flat. “You think I’ve never changed a tire?” he calls back over the roar of traffic trying to beat rush hour on the I-10 as he starts to loosen the lug nuts.
“I think you might stain your shirt,” you respond, still sounding hesitant.
“I’ll be careful,” he says, positioning the jack under the Bronco. “Stay back from the road, will ya?” he adds when you walk around the car to observe the flow of traffic.
“I’m looking for a tow truck,” you say absently, craning your neck.
“We don’t need a tow truck,” Bradley replies emphatically. He rises from his squatted position and walks around the vehicle to where you’re standing. “Can you please step back?” he repeats patiently, placing a hand on your arm. “You’re making me nervous.”
You turn to face him, your back to the speeding cars on the freeway. He just missed the last exit when his tire blew, so he had to pull off onto the shoulder, which isn’t the safest place to stop.
“Maybe you should wait inside the car” – like he’d originally suggested – but Bradley doesn’t voice that part.
“I’d rather stretch my legs,” you say, twisting your hips to one side and then the other as though you’re loosening your joints.
Bradley watches you wryly. “Can you stretch them over here?” he asks, pulling you right up to the concrete barrier.
“How’s the tire coming along?” you ask, eyeing the raised back end of the Bronco.
“It’s coming,” Bradley retorts with a smirk. “It’ll come faster if you behave.” In all honesty, Bradley didn’t anticipate the amount of supervision you’d require. Not that he’s averse to keeping an eye on you. After all, you’re pretty easy on the eyes.
You raise your eyebrows at him. “Am I misbehaving?” you ask with a mischievous smile.
Bradley does a double take just as he’s about to go back to attend to the tire. He’s not surprised at the way you’ve interpreted his statement; he meant for it to be misconstrued. Although, now that you’ve responded in kind, he’s sort of speechless, especially since you were giving him the silent treatment not two hours ago.
You push off the barrier and approach him slowly, your eyes holding his gaze temptingly. You place a hand over his chest and Bradley experiences something he imagines is akin to being struck by lightning – but infinitely more enjoyable. You proceed to sweep your fingers over his pecs while Bradley proceeds to dissolve beneath your touch. “You got your shirt dirty,” you say matter-of-factly, as though you might as well be dusting a mantelpiece.
Bradley, very much shaken by this interaction which he’s clearly misread, gulps and takes a hold of your hand before you can continue to brush at him. “It’s an old shirt,” he responds, trying to keep his voice as calm and as steady as he can.
“What if it won’t come clean?” you ask sadly.
Bradley watches you for a moment, captivated and bewildered in equal measure. “I have other shirts,” he reassures you.
“I like this one,” you say, tugging slightly on the lapel.
“Alright, well, I can soak it overnight, I guess.”
“You guess?” you ask reproachfully.
Bradley stares at you in confusion. “Yeah, I guess – listen,” he pauses to emphasize his point. “It’s kind of a dangerous place to be discussing laundry.”
You glance up at him, your eyes searching his. “Are you gonna kiss me, Brad Bradshaw?”
Bradley blacks out for an entire three seconds, then says, “Here?” because he hasn’t even let himself rehearse this type of situation. And now, he’s evidently unprepared. He gulps again but his throat is so dry it feels like he’s been chewing on dust for the last half hour. “Do you want me to?” he stammers.
You shrug, as if you could take it or leave it. “If you want.”
Bradley, so immersed in the moment that he forgets entirely their precarious position on the shoulder of the interstate, blurts out, “I’ve wanted to since the moment you called me the dorkiest guy at the station.”
You giggle. “Is that all it takes?”
You take a step closer to him, your eyes drifting down to his chest where you tentatively place your hand right over his heart. “You were also the cutest,” you say, lifting your gaze to meet his again.
Bradley, who’s riding a fine line between delight and delirium, tries to hide his growing grin as he verifies, “You think?”
“With a great sense of style.”
Bradley snorts, picking up on your facetiousness. “Accessories sold separately,” he mutters as you tug on his open Hawaiian shirt. He takes a step toward you obediently.
You eye him mischievously, a staring contest for the ages. “Kinda had my heart set on the whole package.”
Bradley’s insides violently convulse, but he can’t fathom a more pleasant experience. He’d really like to tell you that it’s yours, whatever your heart desires. He’d really like to sink his hands into your hips and pull you in, press himself against you, watch as your lips part in anticipation. And he’d truly give just about anything for a taste of your mouth, of the skin on your neck, of…
He takes a step back, clearing his throat awkwardly. “I – uh – gotta finish this while there’s still light.”
You blink at him in surprise but quickly regain composure. “Sure, of course, sugar,” you respond nonchalantly. “I won’t get in your way.”
Bradley sighs mournfully. “You’re not getting in my way.”
You hold his gaze boldly. “Well, I was about to, wasn’t I?” you retort with a knowing smile.
Bradley briefly closes his eyes. “Yeah,” he admits, opening them back up to look at you. “Yeah, you were.”
You hold your hands up mildly, as if to indicate that you’re conceding. “Won’t happen again, Lieutenant.”
Bradley, who receives this statement with as much disappointment as would a toddler deprived of his Halloween candy, grimaces. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” he replies, knowing full well he's bound to break before the two of you ever reach Dallas.
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81pastrys · 2 days ago
Grid Flirt
Part 10 / 13
Summary— She ends up second in the championship after her team ignore her on the radio and Lando goes to congratulate her.
Warnings— Horner ; mention of a panic attack ; angst? ; crash out ; yelling match
A/N— yeah this one is a bit intense
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Next race weekend and I’ve done my best to stay civil with Horner, however he makes it really fucking hard. “Stay top 10.”
“Okay, that’s possible.” I respond, putting my gear on.
“Of course it is.” He scoffs at me.
I finish putting on my gear and get in the car. I have a bad feeling about the race but breathe it out. My engineer does a radio check. “Copy, clear.” I say. “How’s my car looking?”
“Fine for now.” He said.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing just finish top 10 Díaz.”
What does that mean?? I brush it off and we get into grid positions. The weather was cloudy but no chances of rain. I get in the 8th and take a deep breath. The race starts and I get up quickly to third. Max in first, Norris second.
“Good place, keep it as you are.” He said.
“Copy, how’s the car?”
“Alright.” He said, annoyed almost.
The next straight I call him out. “If you aren’t going to tell me what the fuck is going on, I’m winning this race.”
“Nothing is wrong with your car Díaz.” He said flatly.
“P1 it is then.” I say. “I’m not playing games anymore.”
He argues with himself as I push and push, they already did the last pit stop when I’m second with Norris close behind. “If you win this race it’s over.”
“What?!” I ask, severely confused.
“You already have the worst strategy.”
I ignore it and push and push. I get to Maxs tail and am able to pass him. I speed off and create a gap. My engineer is yelling in my ear to give Max P1 but I’m ignoring him. I finish the race with Max and Oscar behind me. The stands go WILD.
“Diaz for first again!” Jacques says.
I pull into first place and jump off my car unfazed. My team isn’t even congratulating me. I realize why when Jacques keeps on.
“She’s closest to Max in the championship!” I turn around and my eyes go wide. I take off my helmet and we do the top three interview.
“Good race out there today!”
“Thank you! It seems I’m the only one happy about that.” I laugh.
“Well, celebrate!”
I head to the cooldown room, the tensions are high as fuck. I stay quiet, but slowly fall into a panic attack. I sit in the chair and bend over holding my face in my hands. We go to the podium, the tension still high. My face red from tears.
After the very uneventful podium, and an awkward trip to the hotel I go my room. I hit things and throw shit around. The door connecting to my room opens and Lando goes for a hug and I push him away.
“Go away!” I yell.
“What’s wrong? Talk to me.” He said calmly.
“Go away! Go away…” I scream and then breakdown, falling in his arms. “I fucking hate this.”
“I know, I know.” He shushed me, running his hand through my champagne ridden hair. “It’ll all be alright.”
After a while of crying in his arms, I’m calm enough to be let go. “Fucking bullshit.” I say through tears.
“I know it sucks, but-“
“No he wants me off the team!” I yell. “He’s putting failed parts in my car, and he’s trying to crash me out the rest of the season!”
“Okay, don’t yell at me. I’m not the one doing all of that.” He remarked.
“I’m sorry, if I yell at him again it’ll be an easy out for me.” I say calmer. “My dad doesn’t understand my frustration, Max is playing the favorite driver card and I’m just throwing my career away.”
“Hey, you’re not throwing anything away, you won today.” He said. “You’re a valuable driver, don’t doubt yourself like this.”
“It’s the easiest thing to do Lando.” I say. “How am I supposed to be happy when my entire team is failing me completely?!”
“Because you’re winning!” He yelled back. Throwing me for a loop. “Who else has ever won in a fucked car?! You’re taking what they give you and you’re winning with it!”
“How worth it is it when my own team doesn’t congratulate me on a fucking win Lando?”
“Very worth it, this is history that you’re making, winning in a back marker of a car!”
“That is not how I want to make history!” I say, tears streaming down my face. “Yes I’m winning, yes I’m moving up in the championship, but what’s next?” I ask. Lando stays quiet. “He’s going to blow up my car soon!”
“I don’t think-“
“He knows how bad my stats are in Baku, he’s going to have me crash out and the cars going to burst into flames! I’m not wishing it upon myself but I’m serious!”
“I understand this frustration, but he legally can’t do that.” Lando said in disbelief I’d come up with that accusation.
“He’s past legality Lando, failing my parts and putting them in the system as successful is felon worthy, he just wants me off the team.” I say. “There’s no hope for me anymore.”
“Don’t say that.” He said.
“Just leave me alone.”
“No, you don’t get to shut me out because you feel like this!” He yelled at me. “This is a real issue that needs to be brought up to the FÍA.”
“What can they do in a week?” I ask.
“Fire him?!” He said. “If Horner is committing felonies, they need to know about it, you have witnesses.”
“The entirety of Red Bull Racing is against me, who are they going to believe?” I ask. “Huh? Because it’s me against an entire Company Lando.”
Ummmm yeah.
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star-spangled-man · 2 days ago
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shout out to those who put themselves through severance s2 finale and sunrise on the reaping this week - we are gods strongest soldiers I guess
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hyunjincanraptoo · 16 hours ago
Happy Sunday, happy 200 of us
This is part 2 of prompt #4 or my 100 followers event. You can read it here. I'm also taking this opportunity to celebrate again, tysm everyone 🫶
@jeonginsleftcheek this is for you, baby 💜
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: smut
Alexa, play Dandelions by Ruth B.
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"Don't look at me like you feel the same"
The months following the passionate night you shared blurred into each other, were equally charged with stolen glances, heated touches, and quiet promises that didn’t need to be spoken aloud. Despite the intensity, both Hyunjin and you had decided to pretend nothing more than pure physical attraction existed between the two of you. It was a ‘no strings attached agreement’, one you both stuck to until it didn’t feel like a choice anymore— it turned to feel more like a need than anything else.
There was a rhythm to your connection now, something comfortable and familiar, but also complicated. You’d hook up on nights when the tension was too much, both of you insisting that feelings were off the table, even though deep down, the silent tension said otherwise. Every time his lips touched yours, or when you felt the warmth of his body pressed against yours, it was as if the world stopped and for a moment, everything made sense. But when the moments passed, you both clung to the lie you’d created: this was purely physical. Nothing more.
Tonight was no different. You were at your place, Hyunjin’s lips on your neck as his hands roamed beneath your shirt, creating that familiar heat between you. The music by Cigarettes After Sex played low in the background, masking the sound of your hands moving against each other’s bodies. You didn’t care about anything else, just the way he touched you, the way he kissed you like he needed you, like you were the only woman he had ever desired.
Your bodies moved together, your clothes already on the bedroom floor. Every touch felt electric, and the world outside the room seemed to fade away completely. His hands were everywhere, pulling you closer, making you feel every inch of him. He kissed you deeply, his fingers tangling in your hair as he pulled you down onto the bed. Soon, the kiss deepened, and he was leaving trails down your neck, his breath hot against your skin. You arched into him, body reacting instinctively to the way he moved, the way he touched you. He was careful yet urgent, his lips pressing along your inner thighs, sending shivers down your spine.
Soon after, Hyunjin’s mouth was between your thighs, tongue moving with slow, deliberate strokes that had your back arching off the bed. His fingers pressed into your hips, holding you steady as he devoured you like he hadn’t tasted you in weeks, like he never got enough of you. And maybe he didn’t. Maybe neither of you ever could get enough of each other.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, breath hitching with every movement of his tongue, every moan he let out against your skin, “Hyunjin…”, you whispered, trembling, your voice breaking. It wasn’t just because of the pleasure but everything else you refused to say out loud. Because this wasn’t just sex. Not anymore. Maybe it never was.
You tilted your head back, trying to focus on the way he made you lose your mind, but that ache in your chest always crept in eventually. That silent, aching question: What are we doing?
And he must’ve felt it too because when his tongue slowed down, he looked up at you with those eyes. That soft, familiar look that always broke you a little more. The one he always tried to hide with teasing grins. “Don’t look at me like that”, you breathed, biting your lip. “What?”, he asked, breathless, lips glistening with your arousal. “Don’t look at me like you feel the same”. There was a moment of silence. Heavy and fragile.
Hyunjin rested his head against your thigh, eyes gently closing, “You think I don’t? God, Yn…”. He sighed, voice low and cracked, “You have no idea how long I’ve been trying not to”. You swallowed hard, “Why didn’t you say anything?” “I was scared”, he admitted quietly. “Scared of messing it up. Scared of Minho killing me, of losing his friendship. Scared that if I told you everything and you didn’t feel the same, I’d lose you forever”.
You reached down, touching his cheek gently, “And I was scared you’d walk away”. He leaned into your hand, eyes opening again, burning now with something deeper, “All those girls I used to date… They were just a reminder that none of them were you. That I was supposed to be with you”. Your heart stuttered at his words, tears blooming in your eyes unexpectedly.
You opened your mouth to answer— but that’s when it happened: “Yn?”. Minho’s voice came from the hallway, followed by a knock on your door, “Do you have my…”
The door opened.
The three of you froze.
Hyunjin jumped up so fast he almost fell off the bed. You rushed to pull the sheets over your body, breath caught in your throat. Minho was still frozen in the doorway, eyes wide, blinking at the scene before him. “…hairdryer?”, he finally finished the sentence. The silence was unbearable for a second until Hyunjin groaned in mortification, dragging a pillow over his lap.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”, Minho exploded, eyes darting between you and Hyunjin, “HYUNJIN?! MY BEST FRIEND?!”. “It’s not what it looks like…”, Hyunjin started, clearly panicking. “Really?”, Minho snapped, “Because it looks like my best friend has his face between my sister’s legs!”. “Minho, stop!”, you blurted, sitting up despite your flushed state. “It’s not just sex. It’s never been. I love him”.
That shut Minho up.
You took a deep breath, voice shaking, “I’ve loved him for a long time. And I know it’s messed up, and maybe it’s wrong to you, but I can’t keep pretending anymore”. Hyunjin stood then, stepping beside you, voice soft but steady, “She’s not just your sister, Minho. She’s the person I’ve been in love with since forever. I was just too much of a coward to admit it”.
Minho stared at both of you, jaw clenched, “I should punch you” “You can”. Hyunjin said without hesitation, “I deserve it”. Your brother took a step forward, with a tight fist hanging at his side. Then, he paused, sighing heavily, “Fuck… I still want to hit you. But if you really feel that way… If this isn’t just some fling…”. “It’s not”, you said. “It never was”, Hyunjin added.
Minho groaned, rubbing his face, “Fine. Just don’t break her heart. Or I swear to God, I’ll kill you, Hwang”. Hyunjin chuckled nervously, “Fair enough”. “And come to my room when you’re done. To have a man to man talk. Afterall, I’m her big brother”, Minho muttered before slamming the door.
You and Hyunjin burst into laughter the second he was gone, relief flooding through both of you. He turned to you, grinning, “Well… that could’ve gone worse” “Could’ve gone a lot worse”, you laughed, reaching for him again. “Still worth it”, he whispered, kissing your temple.
For the following minutes, you and Hyunjin just sat there tangled in sheets, flushed with adrenaline, laughter still lingering in your breaths. But then it quieted. Your eyes met his, and there was something new there now—- something heavier, sweeter. No more pretending. No more fear. Just you and him. Finally, honestly, you and him.
Hyunjin leaned closer, brushing a soft kiss to your cheek, “I’m sorry he found out like that”. You shook your head, fingers slipping into his hair again, “I’m relieved we don’t have to hide anymore… I just want to be with you”. His expression softened completely, like something inside him had cracked open, “Say that again”. You smiled, “I just want to be with you, Hyunjin”.
His lips met yours this time . Not rushed or hungry, but slow and deep, like he was trying to pour every unspoken feeling into the way his mouth moved with yours. He held your face so gently, his thumb brushing over your cheekbone while the kiss deepened. You felt it everywhere— in your chest, in your stomach, between your legs… When he finally pulled back, his voice was thick, “Can I touch you again?”. Your breath hitched,“Please”.
You didn’t have to ask twice. His hands trailed down your body again, this time slower. There was no rush now, no guilt, no pretending it was just physical. He pressed kisses across your collarbone, your chest, your stomach, whispering soft things against your skin. “I always wanted to have you like this”, he murmured, tongue tracing lazy circles over your inner thigh. “Always”. You whimpered, hand tightening in his hair again, “You don’t know how many nights I thought about you”, he said, lowering his mouth between your legs again. “How many times I pictured this”.
And then, just like before, his mouth was on you again. But this time, it felt different. Everything felt different. Like each stroke of his tongue carried something deeper, warmer, heavier in it. You moaned his name, legs trembling under his touch, “It’s surreal I’m here now”, he whispered against you, “You’re all mine”. You barely remembered how to breathe, your body arched, twisting beneath him, drowning in waves of pleasure and emotion all tangled up. It wasn’t just desire anymore— it was all those years of repressed longing crashing to the surface.
“Hyunjin…”, you gasped, “I’m gonna…”. “Come for me, baby”, he said softly, “I’ve got you”. And you did, shattering in his hands, moaning his name for everyone to listen, like he always belonged to you.
When your body stopped trembling, he crawled back up and kissed you— slow and wet and aching. You tasted yourself on his tongue, and you didn’t even care. It only made the moment more raw, “Say it again”, he whispered, “What you said to Minho”. You cupped his face, “I love you”. His breath hitched, eyes closed, lips hovering yours, “God, I love you too”.
Then he pulled you close again, pressing your hips together— and you knew it wasn’t over yet. Not even close.
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If you enjoyed it please consider liking and reblogging. Feedbacks, loves notes and requests are very much appreciated 😊
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bwobgames · 2 days ago
It’s 10:50 pm
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“Hey, how did it go. Are you alright with the kid or do we need to sleep with one eye open?”
“We’re good now”
“Although now I owe Sebastián a favour”
“Huh? Was he there?”
“Ah, well, he cleared some of my points”
“Man, perhaps I really should hire you as my social situation interpreter”
“Oh baby, for you it’s all free”
“You’re insufferable”
“Eepy time, then? Two Mimir? Did you brush your teeth on the way? I’m already done with my skincare routine”
He puts on his pyjama and sits for a little while.
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“What’s wrong?”
“Ah, nothing. I just… been thinking”
“About your dad again?”
“About the house.”
“Did you… feel something?”
“No but, what if this is, let’s say, some kind of evolution?”
“A sneakier house?”
“Remember when we analysed the doctor’s investigations? The feeling we proposed it might be?”
“I fear that. If we or our friends or the other passengers or by accident…!”
“If someone breaks the current purpose, could we…?”
“Could someone accidentally give it a new one with their grief?”
“Are you thinking of someone specifically? Nina, maybe?”
“Ah, well, this thing is hosting a ton of people so, possibilities are not zero”
“Oliver. Do you think you…?”
“No. I have nothing to grieve for. It’s been plenty of time already.”
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“It’s not even been a month”
“I know. But by any means, I shouldn’t be grieving”
“Grandma lived a long and fulfilling life. She had her chickens. She had her family. She had just enough to be happy.”
“She never had to worry about the city life, content with the wonders of the south”
“Everyone got to see her at the hospital. And she died in her sleep. The most peaceful way to go”
“You even got to meet her. To talk to her. To know her. And she liked you”
“She liked you enough to ask to come by next year...”
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“And she would’ve hated for us to be sad. She would’ve wanted us to throw a party instead of a gloomy funeral. To remember her as she wanted to.”
“By all means, I have no reason to be sad.”
“…But then why it still hurts so much…?”
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The pressure in his chest, silently present since that day, grew tenfold.
He felt his as if his heart was painfully pumping tears out of his eyes.
It hurt. Even deeper than his chest. His heart. His soul.
For a second, he feared getting completely engulfed on it.
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A heart next to his, separated by a pair of ribcages.
“It that happens. I’ll fix it”
“I’ll buy this whole train if necessary. I’ll live in it. I’ll change it.”
“Grieve as much as you need. I’ll take care of the rest”
“So, don’t bottle this up any longer, okay?”
He thought he couldn’t cry any harder. He was wrong.
Grasping into Ángel, as if trying to completely unite their hearts, he let himself feel.
He misses her. He misses her. He can’t visit anymore. He doesn’t know what happened to the animals. He wishes he did more.
But the pain doesn’t eat him whole. There is a warmth to it.
A warmth embracing him, shielding him, applying a new pressure. A welcome one.
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When he looked at that sunrise, he imagined a bright future. A perfect future.
One where Mozilla didn’t get sick. One where he wasn’t afraid of heights. One where he didn’t have nightmares.
One where everyone he loves lives forever.
Accepting reality used to be easier. When he wasn’t fragmented.
When he wasn’t haunting any buildings.
He should’ve spent more time with her.
He should’ve known, more than anyone, the importance of time.
He feels a kiss on his temple
“We’ll visit her, yeah? Every year. We’ll bring the prettiest flowers”
“She gave me her lemon pie recipe. I know I’m not the best, but”
“I’ll do everything to make it perfect”
This is the reality he lives in. And it’s the best it has ever gotten.
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His pain might never pass. Part of him doesn’t want it to.
But it will always be cushioned around strong arms.
Accompanied by another beating heart, two ribcages away.
One day the pressure will be lighter, accompanied by joyful nostalgia. That day is clearly not today.
But he will look at the sunshine once more. Even if it’s cloudy.
He can be brave.
Because he knows that there will be times where he doesn’t have to.
His tears are not yet done with him, so he stays.
Ángel gently sways him side to side. It makes him sleepy.
Who could’ve thought that a busy day travelling and emotional turmoil would make him tired?
He closes his eyes and dozes off.
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It’s 11 pm
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nateezfics · 1 day ago
so this is goodbye;
just going to be to the point here. i cannot call what i am on right now as a semi hiatus or even a hiatus at all, really. i don’t want to make this a bigger deal than necessary or repeat myself because i’ve already shared my thoughts on this matter here before, but to be blunt i have no desire of ever writing for this blog again. so really, i should say that i am not on a hiatus, but rather that i am genuinely saying goodbye to nateezfics. i don’t need to explain anything, but to be transparent, i have lost interest in ateez and kpop as a whole. it is sad to say; kpop has been a major part of my life the better part of the last seven years. i noticed this decline in interest months ago, but had held onto the hope that i would rekindle my interest and love for it again. but now i cannot deny it. being into ateez/kpop just doesn’t feel the same anymore…like something hasn’t felt quite right to me. there is no desire to write fanfiction for ateez/kpop anymore. i simply have moved on.
i will always cherish the memories, the people i’ve met, the mutuals and friends made. of course ateez/kpop will continue to be something i look back on with fondness. i will always remember the happiness it brought me over these years. it’s an odd feeling, considering how deeply involved and passionate i used to be, but such is life…some times you just outgrow things, and that’s okay!
in this time i have rekindled my love for anime. i have also continued to be passionate about playing genshin impact, and have even started writing fanfiction for it on @zhongtea. if you want to keep in touch with me as well as read my genshin fanfiction, you are more than welcome to follow me over there!
so…here it is. my last time signing into nateezfics. thank you to the almost eight thousand followers, thank you to the handful of moots, and thank you for all the fun and great memories! i may be leaving, but i will always be grateful for the time spent here. much love!
— nat ᡣ𐭩 ་༘࿐
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lunajay33 · 2 days ago
Over Looked Part.2
Summary: Being the youngest Archeron sister was hard and when you’re thrown into a new life as a high fae living in the night court people don’t see your struggle, and the one you crave only has eyes for your sister Elain
Pairing: Azriel x f!reader
Info: Elain and Nesta always hated reader, Rhys and Feyre adore her, angst with a happy ending
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It’s been a month since I left and no one has found me yet, I’m either really good at hiding or they just haven’t tried to look for me, the look one Azriels face when I told him we’re mates haunts me every night, like he felt desperate and betrayed at the same time, most likely disappointment that it wasn’t Elain
I’ve been wandering between the different courts surviving within the wild like I did when I tried to find Feyre, I eventually found myself here in the summer court just relaxing on the beach, I’ve been here for about a week in the same spot just eating fruits I find along the beach
“I’ve come to find out that the pretty girl sitting on my beach for a week is none other than the high lady of the night courts sister” I hear from beside me looking up from my spot I see a darker skinned man in all his glory, he must be the high lord of the summer court
“Oh I’m sorry, this has been the nicest court I’ve ventured through yet, I just wanted to visit for a while, I can go” I say frantic packing some fruits into my bag and going to walk away when he gently grabs my arm
“Sweetie you can stay as long as you want but what concerns me is that you’re looking quiet….frail, disheveled, my guards tell me you’ve ate nothing but stray fruits, why don’t you come back to my palace and I’ll get you a proper meal” his voice is like liquid gold
“Oh I don’t know I don’t wanna be an inconvenience”
“Please it would be my honour” I hesitate but eventually nod when my stomach grumbles
He leads the way and upon arrival the house in magnificent, the decor is ocean based and gold, we sit at a table when servants come in with platters of food and my eyes grow wide
“This is too much”
“Eat what you can, during then I’d like to ask you a few questions” I nod as I fill my plate munching down on the food like a wild animal
“So why are you here and not in the night court?” And I feel that pang in my chest again
“I don’t feel welcome there, the high lord and lady and Cassian are wonderful but…..I just can’t stand it anymore”
“What about your two other sisters and that one Azriel” I look at him with pleading eyes to drop it but I know he won’t
“My mate is into another, he doesn’t even care that I left”
“That doesn’t sound right, mates would do anything for eachother” I shrug sighing
“Don’t tell them I’m here” he gives me sad eyes then looks behind me, I turn seeing Feyre and Rhys
“Y/n we’ve been looking everywhere for you” Feyre cries pulling me into a hug looking over my features and her expression saddens
“You look just like the day Azriel found you in the woods” I look down too ashamed
“I’m sorry I just couldn’t handle seeing Az with her anymore”
“He’s been a mess since you left, he’s looked everywhere his shadows are out of control, he needs you” Rhys says
“What about when I needed him and he was all over Elain, I thought mates were suppose to be happy ever after like you guys, why does nothing ever work for me” he sighs as he rubs my arm
“We know it’s hard sweetheart but just come back and we will figure something out and if you still feel the same you can come back here and relax at the beach” he says pleading with me
I groan but give it not wanting to upset them
“You’re always welcomed here my dear” thesian said before Rhys winows us back
I’m back in the living room of the house of wind and I’m immediately engulfed by Cassian picking me up and spinning me around
“God I missed you Nesta has been draining me” he smiles squeezing me so tight I might pop
“Can’t breathe cas” he sets me down and looks me over like Rhys and Feyre did
“Oh angel….i looked all over for you you know, where have you been?”
“All over the courts, wandering through the forests and plains, winter court was not fun I almost got taken by a polar bear” I laugh but they’re all serious, the room falls silent and I feel the familiar sensation of the shadows running all over my body and not just one or two but all of them wiggling everywhere excited almost until I’m basically just a black blob
“They’ve missed you” I hear from the couch, I turn and it’s Azriel, he looks skinnier, his eyes dark, scruff grown and his hair a mess
“I…I’ve missed them too” they tighten around me reassuringly as he stands and walks to me
“I’m sorry” and I feel my heart break when I feel that thread between us pulling me to him
“I understand I guess, Elain is beautiful and talented but……why did you ignore me too, I am struggling too”
“I guess I just hung onto her because she reminded me of you when I first found you, you were so scared in the woods and I guess since I didn’t heal you I could heal her”
I feel the shadows pull me to him and I rest my head against his chest and everything felt okay for a moment like it was suppose to be the whole time and his arms holding me close
“I know you can’t forgive everything right away but let me show you how good this can be and the mother was right to bring us together”
“One last chance Azriel, prove to me that this is real”
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rafesgreasycurtainbangs · 20 hours ago
I saw someone post this on reddit as an issue: '' Whenever I was with him I just felt like it was all a big joke. I genuinely couldn’t fathom the idea that he found me attractive enough to date me. It didn’t feel real and it terrified me, I would look at myself before I went to go see him and think to myself “how could he possibly even find me attractive” '' and then she broke up with him because she couldn't handle comparing herself to other girls. So...maybe Reader is going through this and does not get why Rafe would ever be with her when REALLY pretty barbie bombshell girls are out there that he's exposed to on Figure 8. So she slowly pushes him away, distance herself, takes long etc until she breaks up with him. He GIVES IT HIS all to pursade her from leaving him but she walks out on him crying. But you know....happy end and they find their way back to each other
always yours - rafe cameron x pogue!reader
⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ content: reader has self esteem issues, angst, insecurities, fluff ending
⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ yap: thank you for this request xx
⊹ ‧₊˚ ౨ৎ word count: 920
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You’d never been able to shake that gnawing pit in your stomach—the one that whispered Rafe Cameron being with you didn’t add up. He was Figure 8 royalty: chiseled jaw, broad shoulders, the kind of guy who belonged on a yacht with sun-kissed Barbie dolls dripping in gold, not in your cramped Pogue trailer with its peeling paint and leaky faucet. You’d catch yourself in the mirror before he came over—hair a mess, skin flawed, clothes cheap—and wonder what the hell he saw in you. Those bombshell girls on his side of the island, with their glossy lips and perfect curves, made you feel like a punchline. Every time he touched you, kissed you, called you “baby,” it felt like a prank you weren’t in on. The doubt festered, growing into a quiet terror that he couldn’t possibly mean it—not when he had them as options.
It started small. You’d take longer to text back, let his calls ring out, make excuses about work or your dad needing you. He’d show up anyway, all intense eyes and easy grins, and you’d sit there, arms crossed, feeling like a fraud next to him. “You okay?” he’d ask, voice low, and you’d nod, forcing a smile, but inside you were spiraling. Comparing yourself to every tanned, leggy girl you’d seen him nod at on the Cut, imagining him waking up one day and realizing he could do better. The distance grew—days between seeing him stretched into weeks. You stopped letting him hold you, stopped laughing at his dumb jokes, building walls he couldn’t climb. He noticed, of course he did—Rafe wasn’t stupid—but you brushed it off, muttering, “I’m just tired,” until it wasn’t a lie anymore.
The breaking point came on a humid night, the air thick with salt and regret. He’d cornered you in your kitchen after you’d dodged him for days, his hands gripping the counter as he stared you down. “What’s going on with you?” he demanded, voice rough. “You’re shutting me out, and I don’t get it.”
You swallowed, heart pounding, the words clawing their way out. “I can’t do this anymore, Rafe. Us—it doesn’t make sense. You don’t belong with someone like me.” Your voice cracked, but you pushed on. “You’ve got all those girls on Figure 8—perfect, gorgeous girls—and I’m just… me. I don’t know why you’re even here.”
His face twisted, disbelief turning to desperation. “Are you serious? You think I’m just—what, fucking around ‘til something better comes along?” He stepped closer, hands reaching for you, but you backed away. “I’m here because I want you. I don’t give a shit about those girls—they’re not you, they’ll never be you.”
Tears stung your eyes as you shook your head. “You say that now, but you’ll see it eventually. I’m not enough. I’ve never been enough.” Your chest heaved, the self-loathing you’d buried spilling out. “I can’t keep waiting for you to figure that out.”
“No—don’t do this,” he pleaded, voice breaking as he grabbed your wrists, pulling you toward him. “I love you, alright? I fucking love you, and I’m not going anywhere. You’re enough—more than enough. You’re everything.” His grip tightened, eyes wild, like he could physically hold you together. “Tell me what to do, baby. Tell me how to prove it.”
But it was too much—his words, his touch, the hope in his voice you couldn’t let yourself trust. You wrenched free, sobbing, “I can’t,” and stumbled to the door, grabbing your keys. He followed, begging, “Please, don’t walk out—don’t leave me like this,” but you couldn’t look back. You ran into the night, tears streaming, the sound of his voice cracking on your name echoing in your head as you drove off, leaving him standing there, broken.
Weeks bled into months. You avoided the Wreck, the docks, anywhere he might show up. Your days were gray, hollow, the ache of missing him warring with the certainty you’d done the right thing. But Rafe didn’t fade. He left voicemails you deleted without listening, sent texts you couldn’t bear to read, even slipped notes under your door—“You’re wrong about me. I’m still here.” Your dad grumbled about “that damn Cameron kid” lurking around, and JJ told you he’d seen Rafe looking like a ghost, hollow-eyed and quiet. It hurt to know he was hurting, but you told yourself he’d move on, find someone who fit his world.
Then one night, a storm rolled in, rain hammering your roof, and a knock shook your door. You opened it, and there he was—drenched, hair plastered to his forehead, eyes red-rimmed but burning. “I can’t do this without you,” he said, voice raw. “I tried—I fucking tried to let you go, but I can’t. You’re not a joke, you’re not less than anyone. You’re mine, and I don’t care how long it takes—I’ll keep proving it ‘til you believe me.”
You stood there, soaked in the rain spilling through the open door, tears mixing with the wet on your face. “Rafe, I’m scared,” you whispered, the truth finally free. “I don’t know how to be enough for you.”
He stepped in, closing the distance, hands cupping your face like you might break. “You don’t have to be anything but you. I see you—every part of you—and I’m not running. I’m not those girls, I’m not my family. I’m yours.” His lips crashed into yours, desperate and sure, and for once, you let yourself fall—into him, into the messy, real thing you’d been too afraid to want.
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taglist: @littlelamy @drewstarkeyswife0 @icaqttt
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